Chapter 3: Next Please

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Chapter 3

Song: Identity Disorder By Of Mice And Men

(Alex Gaskarth / First Person)

Clocks ticking slowly on the pale blue wall, people sitting on chairs waiting to be called up. Everyone around are all nervous as they wait for the response from the embassy. Sammy came with me to the embassy just incase if we have a bit of problems , jack was on his way here but no sign of the idiot. Sammy and I decided to go undercover by wearing a beanie and ray ban sunglasses but Jack however, decided to do a bit of 'secret shopping' and will show us what his undercover is.

"We've been waiting for 3 hours here! What's taking them so long!" SAMMY shouted

"I know but we have to be patient-"

"Patient! I can't be patient anymore!" Sammy hissed

"I know but we have to-"

"Hello there young fellow" a croaky voice greeted

Both Sammy and I turned around to find a 'old man' wearing a really long grey beard, massive army green trench jacket , wearing black sunglasses and holding a wooden walking stick. The man smiled at us as he decided to sit next to me. Oh gosh..

"So what are you doing here in the embassy" The man asked

Sammy and I continued to stare at the strange man, for some reason this guy can i putting.

"Were here for a friend" Sammy kindly replied

This guy looks familiar...

"Oh really what friend?" The croaky man asked

"For guy who doesn't know us, you ask a lot of questions" Sammy answered back

Facesmack! I know this person

"It's fine Sammy you can tell him that were getting a passport for Jack to get rid of him"

The old man pulled his glasses down revealing his true Identity.

"Hey! Why you getting rid of me!" Jack pouted

Sammy and I burst into laughter

"Next please, Mr Gaskarth?"

Calling of my name echoed in the air meaning that it was time.

"You ready Lexy?" Jack whispered in my ear

Standing up from my seat, feeling nervous, I walked toward the voice that called my name.

(Arianna / First Person)

"Hannah! Hurry up were gonna be late!" I screamed at Hannah

it's been months since Jack left to do his tour in the states and to be frankly I miss him, he promised me that he was going to text me but who am I kidding, he's a busy rockstar, he doesn't have time for people like me.

"Coming! I'm almost ready!" her yelling swirled about the apartment.

Checking on the time on the clock


Dammit! Were gonna be late for work! Hannah and I decided to take late night shifts at the hospital rather than the early morning times because to be honest we can't be asked to get up 4am it's so much work, especially for Hannah.

"I'm ready" she announced

Hannah came out wearing, not wearing her uniform but wearing normal clothes to go out. She was wearing a a black shirt with Totoro face, navy blue shorts, black tights and a pair of her Green Day converses. Hannah's black hair fell down to her shoulders, plain straight and beautiful.

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