Oh...wow... 🥺

147 1 5

Thank you all so much for over 1k reads!!!This means so much to me, I honestly did not think that I would get up to 1k reads

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Thank you all so much for over 1k reads!!!
This means so much to me, I honestly did not think that I would get up to 1k reads. I originally made this book as a joke, but as I kept updating I realized I really enjoy doing this..but I am sorry to inform you all that I will be going on another hiatus again, I am sure you all have noticed that I haven't been updating a lot recently. I've been dealing with some family issues lately, so balancing both a book and family problems has been a lot to handle lately and I am really sorry. On the bright side though, when I come back I will be doing a 1k special!! So if you have any ideas as to what you would like me to do please leave a comment! Again thank you all so much and have an AMAZING day/night!
Luv y'all💖

Almost forgot the quote of the day.....
QUOTE OF THE DAY: If you could change your name, what would it be?

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