Who do you go on a road trip with?

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Group 1:
Aries, Pisces, Gemini, Lavi Bookman, Sugawara, and Armin.

Group 2:
Sagittarius, Taurus, Capricorn, Aang, King (sds), and Mina Ashido.

Group 3:
Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Gon, Asta, and Nenodō.

Group 4:
Scorpio, Cancer, Virgo, Sakura, Soul Eater Evans, and Usopp.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I kinda forgot about it lol.

Quote of the day: What is your favorite planet and why?

Love y'all thank you so much for reading!
This book is almost at 1k reads! I am planning on doing another special when it hits 1k reads so if you have any ideas feel free to leave a comment!
Have a great rest of your day(or night)! 💖

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