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The next morning when I woke up at noon, there was still a grin on my face from the night before. My mind was still filled with the sound of Valentino's voice, the way his cologne smelled, and especially the way that accent rolled off of his tongue.

Standing from the bed, I took a shower and made myself a quick breakfast before parking myself on the couch to watch a few episodes of Pose. I wished Myles was there to watch with me, but I couldn't wait for him any longer.

Beside me, my phone lit up with a notification and my breath hitched in my throat when I saw Valentino's name there. He had texted me that quickly?

Just as I lifted my phone to read the text, Myles busted through the door, greeting me with, "Hey, Mar. How was the club last night? Did you miss me too much?"

"Actually no. I...met a guy and let me tell you. He. Is. So. Hot!"

"Tell me everything!" He exclaimed, dropping down onto the couch beside me.

I began telling him about the night before, about how Valentino had sent over the cupcake and our amazing conversation. Once I got to the part of the story where he had texted me this morning, I remembered that I hadn't even read the text, so I opened it as Myles peeked over my shoulder.

I hope this isn't too forward, but would like to get dinner with me tomorrow night?

"Mariah! He asked you out. Respond!"

"I am, I am!"

I would love to.

Perfect. I'll text you the details tomorrow morning. See you tomorrow, Mariah.

"Girl...you're about to get some." Myles remarked from beside me, wiggling his eyebrows and making me roll my eyes.

I wouldn't be opposed to that.


The next morning, I woke up to the sound of rustling from somewhere in my room and the soft hum of someone's voice .

Popping my eyes open and sitting up, I saw Myles looking happily through my closet for something.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty. I'm looking for an outfit for your date."

"And why would that be?" I questioned with a yawn, standing from the bed and walking over to him. "He didn't even tell me the place yet."

When Myles adverted his gaze from me and didn't respond, I squinted my eyes as I observed him. Myles—like me—always had a response and was never quiet. I knew he had done something.

Against his protests, I rushed over to my phone and opened it, immediately clicking on the messages to see that my latest conversation was with Valentino...this morning while I was asleep. I opened the conversation to see that Valentino had indeed sent the venue and that Myles had responded as me.

"You sent him our address? What if this guy is a serial killer!" I yelled at him, unable to tear my eyes away from the phone. "Our complex is fine, but the literal apartment number?"

"Okay, calm down. I need to see if this guy is as hot as you claim he is. Plus, Mariah that man is rich...wealthy. Did you see the restaurant he's taking you to? The Terrace...the place with a year long waiting list. And he's taking you there on such short notice!"

I froze when Myles said that, realizing that I had completely skipped over that part of the text. He was right, whether you had a year long reservation or not, The Terrace was outrageously expensive. Maybe his father's business wasn't as nonchalant as he made it seem.

"Yeah...I'll go make us breakfast while you find me an outfit. Nothing outrageous!"

"Yeah yeah."

For the rest of the morning and afternoon, Myles and I watched episodes of Pose until he dragged me away from the TV to get ready. After a refreshing shower, I slipped into the white dress that Myles had picked out for me. I then let him style my hair, not surprised when he put it into a sleek puff, letting some of my coils on the side fall out. We then worked on my makeup together, bickering constantly about what we were doing until we finished and I looked amazing.

"I wish I had an ass like that," Myles sighed as he spun me around in the mirror. "Here, put these on."

He passed me a pair of rust orange sandals with a slight heel that I had never seen. I slipped them on and loved how cute and comfortable they were.

"I just ordered them for you. I meant to give them to you later when I...when I told you that I was moving out."

"W-What?" I sputtered as he had a sad, almost ashamed looked in his eyes. Then, there was a knock at the door.

"Your date's here," He spoke, giving me a weak smile before walking out to our living room to greet Valentino.

I was frozen in my spot, shocked that he was moving and that he would tell me right before a date. What kind of sense did that make?

"Valentino, nice to meet you," I heard the gorgeous man say after Myles had introduced himself as my roommate.

Finally being able to move, I grabbed my purse and made my way out to the living room, my gaze immediately landing on Valentino as he stood in the doorway.

I didn't know how I would possibly survive the date if he looked that good.

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