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"There we go...all done," I sighed as I looked at the three suitcases laid on my bed and the carry on beside them. "I feel so bad, these extra bags are gonna cost him a lot."

In just a few hours, Valentino and I would be on our way to Hawaii for an entire week. My heart raced and butterflies filled my stomach as I thought about how wonderful it would be to spend all my time with him without any distractions—on my end at least.

I knew that this trip had something to do with his business so he would definitely still have work to do while we were there. Apparently, he had something amazing being planned for his business, so I was definitely excited to finally see it after all of his secrecy.

"He's rich, he'll pay," Myles replied, dropping his magazine and grabbing a bag he had brought with him instead. "You're not done packing yet...I have something else for you."

I watched as he reached into the bag and came out with a bunch of lingerie in his hand. I let out a laugh at the sight of it all, not surprised that Myles had thought about getting me some lingerie. He was thinking farther ahead than I had.

"Auntie Rita came in clutch, huh?" I questioned as I took them from his hands, observing them before folding and putting them in my suitcase. His aunt owned a lingerie store not far from here and a few years ago, I had been a frequent customer.

"Something like that," he sang, helping me close the stuffed suitcase as Amber and Ashti's frenzied knocks sounded at my door.

I rushed out to open it, shocked when they both immediately wrapped their arms around me, tugging me into their embraces.

"We're gonna miss you so much!" Ashti shouted as her and Amber took a seat on my couch while Myles wheeled my suitcases out.

"Please stuff me in your suitcase and take me with you. Riley has been so cranky and Wesley..." she paused looking between all three of us.

"He's been what?" I inquired, urging her to say more as we all waited eagerly.


"You finally admitted it! You two have something going on," I shouted excitedly, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her.

For the next hour, we talked and laughed until I pushed them out of my apartment to "get some final things together". In actuality, I was a nervous wreck as I constantly thought I was forgetting something and wondering if the trip would actually go as planned.

For Christmas, I went over to my parents' home and had to break the news that I was taking a trip across the country with a guy they had never met. Reluctantly however, after telling them how much Myles and the girls liked him, they wished me a fun trip.

The sound of Valentino's knock at my door made my nervousness seem to dissipate. Only for a split second though before it came back quickly. I rushed over to answer the door, grabbing his hand and pulling him into to the apartment.

"Read off the checklist for me one more time," I shouted at him as I opened up each of the suitcases to make sure I had everything I needed.

He read it off calmly, seeming unaffected at my frantic motions. When we realized I had everything, he helped me close the suitcases.

"You excited?" He asked me, running a hand through his hair as he kicked his feet up on my coffee table. I swatted them away harshly.

"So excited! Wait, where are we staying? A hotel or like a rental place? And how are we gonna get around the island? Did you rent a car!?

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