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"So where you from?" My father inquired once we were all seated at the table with plates filled with soul food. My parents' cooking was a big thing I missed from living so far away.

"Italy. I was born here though," Valentino explained, just as he had to a bunch of other people.

"What made you come back?" My mother chimed in, the grin never leaving her face. She clearly liked Valentino so far—especially since he had already complimented her cooking.

"School. I got accepted to Harvard...and I couldn't deny it so I decided to move back here," he explained, catching my hand in his under the table and taking it in his once again.

My parents continued to ask him a bunch of questions about him and his life—what he did for work, what he enjoyed doing, if he had any kids, and whatever else.

"So," my father finally said just as we were all finishing our plates, his hands crossing meaning he was going to say something serious. "What made you think it was a good idea to take my daughter across the country without ever having met us?"

"Dad..." I cut in, not wanting him to put the blame on Valentino when I was the one who agreed to go. However, when my father raised his hand for me to stop and my mother sent me a look, I leaned back in my chair.

"I honestly hadn't thought that would be an issue...and I apologize for that sir," Valentino replied to my father sincerely, looking him right in the eye. "I had to be there for a business venture of mine and I figured it would have been the perfect place for me to ask Mariah to be my girlfriend. I figured we could enjoy time there together."

"Okay. And why do you want her to come to Italy with you this time?" My father added, leaning further across the table as he waited for Val's answer.

I watched as Valentino swallowed hard, his Adam's Apples bopping as he was clearly a bit intimidated by my father's questioning.

"Well...I have some business to do there once again, but I would also like to show Mariah where I come from. I-I think she would enjoy it."

"You keep speaking about business," my mother interjected after taking a sip of her wine. "What exactly is this business you're talking about."

"Um," he started, tightened his grip around my hand under the table. "As you know I own a real estate business and I'm hoping to acquire some more land there. My-My father also passed away, so I'm hoping to take care of some of the things he left unattended there."

I watched as my parents' eyes softened at the news of his father's death, my mom even reaching over to grab his hand in comfort. Still, I could tell they were satisfied with his answers and really liked him. They wouldn't care to ask so many questions if they didn't."

"You into stocks?" My father questioned, making me roll my eyes because I knew that both of them loved stocks. Valentino could talk about it for hours with me even if I had no clue what was going on.

"Yes, sir."

Immediately, they delved into a conversation about the stock market so I instead followed my mother into the kitchen to help her clean up a bit.

"I like him, Mariah," she spoke with her back turned to me as she packed away some plates for he and I to take with us. "He has a good head on his shoulders."

"He does. He's really a great guy, mom. I've-I've never had someone treat me as good as he does," I told her, feeling tears rise in my eyes at the words I had just told her.

It was the truth. Other guys I had been with treated me like I was nothing—as if they weren't supposed to impress me or treat me right once we moved on from just dating. But with Valentino, he cared about keeping me interested in him and cared about what I wanted. He was something I never had—meaning I didn't know how much I was missing out on it—but something I wanted to cherish.

"Very handsome too. Those eyes," my mother spoke, wiggling her eyebrows at me and making me burst out in laughter. "What, they're a beautiful shade of green!"

"The perfect green," I told her, a blush creeping up onto my cheeks.

"I can tell you two really enjoy each other. I can see the way you two look at each other with admiration and the connection between you two."

"We do," I smiled, just as we finished putting away all of the food as my father and Valentino stepped into the kitchen.

With a sigh, I looked between both my parents and said, "We should get going. I still have so much packing to do."

"Girl, I told you to stop procrastinating," my mother scolded me, although we both knew that she was the same exact way. "It was nice meeting you Valentino."

"It was great meeting you too. Both of you," he smiled as my mom pulled him into another hug while my dad gave him a smile as he nodded.

"Have a great time in Italy. And don't forget to call us and send pictures," my mom spoke once we were at the front door, not letting me out of her embrace.

"Mom, you're killing me. But I promise...I will."

Next, I hugged my dad who said some of the same things as my mom, but lowered his voice so only I could hear to say, "I like him so far Mariah. But don't think I'm finished with my interrogation."

I laughed at his words, still extremely glad that he at least didn't hate Valentino. That would have really been a disaster. I just hoped his interrogation didn't lead him to finding the viral pictures of Valentino after his arrest. That would be more than a disaster.

With a few final waves, Valentino and I walked back to the car, our hands intertwined and a bright smile on my face.

I hadn't known it before, but having my parents' confirmation that he was a good guy only made me even more sure about our relationship. Overlooking his career path, everything else about him was exactly what I needed in my life and I knew I wanted to hold onto it.

a/n: kind of boring chapter, but they go to Italy in the next one! ya'll excited?

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