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I knocked lightly on the door, waiting for his response. The faint lights of an empty office glowed in the background. It was already half past twelve and Ethan was still working. He surprisingly didn't call me either. 

Fearing something could've happened to him, I banged open the door and immediately sighed in relief. He leaned back on the chair with his eyes closed. He was probably too tired and dozed off.

''Ethan, you need to have dinner.'' I whispered, so as not to scare him. He shut his eyes even tighter. What's wrong with him? 

''Ethan?'' I touched his forehead lightly and it was then I noticed the the pills on his table. For acidity?

I pulled him to his feet and guided his hands over my shoulder, leading the way.

''Where are you taking me?'' He asked in a feeble voice.

I ignored him and drove straight to the nearby hospital. This big baby can't even take care of himself. All he knows is to boss everyone around and irritate the shit out of me. I had never seen him have his meals on time until I force him to. He never goes to bed too. He'd be on his laptop anytime you peek into his room in the middle of the night.

Don't get me wrong. I just do that to make sure he's alright.

''He just needs some rest. Proper meal and a quality sleep.'' The doctor said in a grim tone and I literally glared a hole into Ethan and he was smart enough to avert his gaze.

''You can pay at the counter.'' I muttered a thankyou and walked out, looking the bill he'd given me and I bumped into someone with so much force that it sent me staggering backwards. A hand held me wrists tightly and pulled be back onto my feet.

''It's you!'' 



Laying on my back and staring at the plain white ceiling was so annoying. I didn't need to be brought to a hospital. It actually wasn't that serious. It happened all the time. 

She just had to exaggerate everything. She even claimed that I was dying. I sighed giving up and got up from the bed and put on my shoes. I was about to leave when voices came closer. It was her! 

My eyes widened in panic and I jumped back onto the stupid bed, pulling the sheets over me. The door opened and she came in talking with a man.

''I've been searching for you all the time..'' He spoke and she let out a laugh at that.

 Haha, very funny.

''Wait a second, did you get up?'' She eyed at me carefully and I stared back at her quietly, afraid I might give her some clues. She pulled the sheets away all of a sudden and looked at my feet.

Oh shit, I had my shoes on!

''Jade, I need to leave right now. Can I have your phone for a moment?'' 

Excuse me? Who the hell is he? And did she just hand it to him?

''Don't forget me!'' Both of them chuckled and he left the room.

''Who is he?'' I looked right into her eyes.

''Oh, we saved a child, remember? I never thought he was doctor. Handsome, isn't he?'' I grunted at that.

She raised her eyebrows at me, ''Is it so hard to admit that he's good looking?''

I pretended to think for a while and nodded, ''He is not bad. But I'm better.''



''Martha! You're still here?'' I exclaimed and chuckled at both of us.

''What's wrong with Ethan?''

''Ask him yourself'' I scowled at him.

He sat facing me, ''Hey, not my fault okay!'' 

I let a low laugh, trying to calm myself down. ''Not your fault? Then who do you think it is? Martha, can I bother you with a certain set of rules?''

''Of course, of course.''

''You.'' I poked his chest with my index finger. ''must have all your meals without skipping. Go to bed on time. No working after office hours. You get it?''

He held onto my finger. ''I'm the boss here.'' 

''Right now, you're a patient. I'll let you regain your position when you recover.''

He opened and closed his mouth like a fish, unable to find words.

''You kids, argue like an old, married couple.'' Martha added and I helped her set the table.

''Who has dinner this late?'' He complained. 

We ignored him. As usual.



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Sorry, short chapter!

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