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Rigel and Y/N were finally alone for once. None of the boys were there to accompany the two siblings in the warm building of Three Broomsticks. Both had butterbeers in hand and conversed, relieved to finally have some sense of calm with the three boys probably fighting among themselves elsewhere with Daniel trying to resolve the conflict as always.

"How are you though? Be honest with me, Y/N. No lies this time. The boys aren't here so I expect honesty." Rigel took a long sip from her butterbeer and looked at her friend.

Y/N ran their fingers through their hair and sighed. "Stressed. Although, that might be a bit of an understatement. If I told the boys they'd probably try to find some way to solve the problem but-"

"There isn't one, I know." Rigel twirled her silver spoon in between her fingers.

While the Adzumi siblings were having their time to catch up, Harry Potter walked in with his friends Ron and Hermione following him. His circular glasses fogged up from the sudden heat, leaving him unable to see the room clearly for a good minute. Ron and Hermione had went on ahead to find a table, bickering while doing so. Harry caught a glimpse of the Adzumi siblings and took a deep breath, mustering the courage to walk over and talk to them.

"He hasn't bothered you has he?" Rigel muttered to Y/N, taking notice of the boy who lived. "If he has, i'll do what the dark lord couldn't."

Y/N rolled their eyes and waved their hand in dismissal. They had already gotten detention despite the five only being at Hogwarts for a week or so and would rather not accompany Rigel in detention yet again for assaulting Harry Potter - the golden child of Gryffindor house. Romeo never really paid the boy much attention but he had heard that even the Gryffindors can't stand him.

Ever since Potter arrived at Hogwarts, there was a new threat every year and almost ninety nine percent of the students blamed him.

Hermione took notice of Harry zoning out and urged him to talk to the siblings. She tamed her bushy hair that had been blown about in the September wind for the last hour and a half. She gave him a weak encouraging smile and the boy made his way over to Rigel and Y/N. To say he was intimidated was a bit of an understatement.

The two together rivalled Fred and George (much to the twins' distaste of people comparing both duos to each other). One wrong move and Rigel and Y/N would probably come up with a scheme to get back at offending them.

"Potter." Rigel's tone of voice had shifted from the gentle and patient tone she had with Y/N to the weather outside.

Harry gave the Slytherin a nod of acknowledgement and turned to Y/N. He awkwardly sat himself down next to them and cleared his throat. His heart was pounding in his chest, desperate to not sound stupid while he spoke to the Adzumi siblings.

He was already stressed enough under Rigel's cold, watchful eye. He began with small talk, asking how they were finding Hogwarts, if things were to their liking and Y/N was kind enough to indulge in Harry's questions about Beauxbatons. He had went up against an old student Fleur Delacour after all.

Rigel, losing interest in the small talk Harry and Y/N were having, looked around the room to see Blaise Zabini all by his lonesome. Normally he would be accompanied by Draco and his goons, perhaps even that one Lestrange boy but he appeared to be on his on with his Slytherin scarf as his only companion.

Rigel found her fellow Slytherin attractive. As an artist she had the habit of staring at people's faces for too long as she specialised herself with portraits in particular. He was very tall, perhaps even taller than Romeo and Daniel, dark skinned and had an almost hooked nose.

To Rigel, his face looked like it had been sculpted by the Greeks and he did look like he belonged in an art museum. Rigel would've liked to paint him but he was friends with the likes of Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson so that was an automatic turn off. At least both Blaise and Rigel had one thing in common: addressing Crabbe and Goyle as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.

The Hogwarts Five [Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now