CHAPTER XIV Natsu's suspicious

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Lucilia=What the hell are you talking about Mr Dragneel?!
Natsu=Exactly what you heard. You see she's a very important person to me. Please tell me what is your relation with her.

(Lucilia's POV)

I see his eyes full of tears that are about to fall. I know it's all fake. I tell him to guess my relationship with lucy, he looks at me with some hope and tries to approach me which makes me scream Levy's name making her rush her.

Lucilia=Levy guide our dear business partner to the exit.
Natsu=Hell no! I didn't come all the way only to go away. Let's have a peaceful chat and secretary Levy you can go.
Levy=My apologies but that can't be possible. Mr Natsu Dragneel our head president is not someone you can casually approach.
Natsu=Fine, I will leave for now.

(Natsu's POV)

How does she get all those pictures of Lucy, is that what I think ?! In fact it all have a sense, when that accident happened Lucy had just turned 16 and Miss Lucilia is 19, not to mention the physical appearance, the only difference I see are the character and the eyes, Lucy had eyes full of dreams and stars while this Lucilia has extinguished them. Let's calm down, the investigation I did should give me the results today. If what I think is true then why didn't she tell me anything. Suddenly my thoughts were stopped by a call.

?=Hello Mr Dragneel, we have found something regarding the matter of 3 years ago.
Natsu=Please speak.
?=We found that Miss Lucy's death was not a simple accident thanks to a camera that was nearby, our camera showed clearly the young lady who was crying as a car driven by a figure hit her.
Natsu=What! Were you able to get a clear picture of who was leading the picture?
?=Sorry but no anyway we have some clues about the culprit, we can only tell her that it is a female figure that she was driving.
Natsu=Thank you for your hard work. Your payment will be send in your account.

(Natsu's POV)

So Miss Lucilia was right about saying that there was someone behind the accident. I'm having more and more doubts that Lucilia and Lucy are the same person, the only way to clarify the matter is to go talk to her. I immediately head to her residence, on the way I see that a wheel of the car is punctured which makes me crash the car near Miss Lucilia's house.

                    To be continued...

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