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a/n: inspired by the song criminal by britney spears, i would recommend that you should listen to it before reading, it will lighten your mind about this story especially the chorus.

hope you'll love it just as i am...

👨🏻‍🎓 > > > > > 👮🏻‍♂️

[ k.th pov ]

     being a university student is what people called can't do anything but to study for a whole four fucked up years. have to study so that grades won't wane, have to deal with the teachers assignments or projects, have to listen to their so-called class and especially you have to be their puppet so they would love you and swell your grades. i'm so satiated of that things, i really do but i have to if not i can't derive my goal to become police officer.

     i knew all along that i have to deal with it but here i am, sulking for another project that i have to finished as soon as possible in two weeks. how come they have to give deadlines? have they know how hard this project they gave to us? do you want to know?

     its just "we have to go to jail to asked some questions of the criminals inside" after i've said that infront of my mom , she cried for almost thirty minutes without pause. you ask why? well,

     "oh-my-god, is your teacher a crazy woman? how could they do this to you... my baby!?"

     she said while hugging the life out of me.

     "thats what i think mom... but what can i do? i have to do this."

     i said, caressing her back to stop her crying.

     "and this would be the last project mom... after we finished these, i promised we'll go somewhere you want to go. okay?"

     i added to comfort her, she was just caring so much about me that i might get hurt or even killed by the prisoners.

     after some time, i checked again my things to secure if i forgot something or i put things that unecessary especially police officers will check every lagauge then.

     and we will have to stay in the jail but of course not with the one whom we have to interview but to the jails dorm for two whole weeks and that gives shiever on the back of my spine, i don't really know whom i interview its because the teacher itself chose who it would be.

     thinking that maybe his just a mere or an average person to deal with. i just really hope though that maybe we could hang out each other without awkwardness or he might looked scary, i just really don't know.

     'ugh!... how should i approach him? what if he's kind of a psycho or something? well, ms.kang won't do that right? right!'

     i thought to myself to relieve from the goosebumps that i've felt in my body. there's a lot of what if's and maybe running through my mind and i can't help it though.

     after checking my laguage that i've been wondering whether to bring this and that or not 'cause i'm a kind of person thats so anxious. i felt relief that its all completed and my stuff was placed in a proper way. i look at myself in the mirror and that makes me wanna pinched myself that i was still in my pajamas.

     'aishh... i've been checking my laguage that i forgot to check my own self.'

     i scolded myself for being too dumb.

     walking towards the my wardrobe to find something comfy to wear and to walk again towards my bathroom.

     after long ass minutes of my routine, i look again in the mirror to find myself cute because why not? i wear my baby blue sweatshirt and black ripped jeans that fits so much on me.

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