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a/n: warning, this is long chap than others. so hope you like it, mwuaaaah 😘

👨🏻‍🎓 > > > > > 👮🏻‍♂️

[ third person ]

5 months later...

     taehyung was walking out from his last class towards his locker to put his things and leave the university as soon as possible because he was tired.

     so much tired... 'cause until now he can still remember those things happened to him and to his kookie. he don't know what just happened... that he left him their hanging waiting for him to comeback as what he promised...

     even his only friend-- jimin, left him (not actually) because of his passion of dancing so they separate their ways as taehyung was on fashion but still they got same university but not same schedule though...

     taehyung walked to his favorite spot, namjin's café... it was familiar to him but he just shrugged it off when he came here the first time...

     whenever he came to the café, the younger always feels that someone is following and watching him from afar but everytime he looked back... no one was there actually.

     he shrugged it off again not wanting to stress himself more... he was so drained because of lack of sleep and doing almost the work of his group... he even forgot to eat properly just to finished it in a hurry so he could rest.

     the brunette walked like a zombie on the road... not even glancing around him. after some minutes or so... he arrived at the café with a heavy foot steps like his in hesitant to wether go inside or not.

     once he open the door... it was quiet, everyone in the café looked at him and he felt anxious about it. he was about to leave when he saw someone standing in the corner... looking at him straight into his eyes and to his soul.

     that someone moved closer to him... but he doesn't want it, he was afraid so he run away from the there... not looking back.

     he was crying while running away... almost tripped every step he was making, his vission was blurred because of the tears coming down to his cheek.

     he wipped it harshly to his sleeves not knowing a car running down to his way... before he could turn to his left the car already bumped into him, he got crushed down and the last time he saw? it was the man he was waiting since forever-- jungkook. who run towards his direction and saying something he can't understand for now... taehyung mumbleb something before darkness take over him.

👨🏻‍🎓 > > > > > 👮🏻‍♂️

[ j.jk pov ]


     i shouted and i'm already too late to save him. i run towards him.

     "baby, open your eyes... don't close it, please love."

     i said throughout my cry even though i can't see him clearly because of my tears that falls down to my cheek... i still manage to hold him and shake him to keep him awake.

     he mumble something towards me but i can't understand before he close his eyes totally.

     i already called the ambulance for him to get in the hospital... it was all my fault this happened to him, if ever he wakes up... i'll surely explained to him everything just happened why i left without bidding him a proper goodbye that time.

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