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a/n: i don't know why i still write even though no one actualy was reading. i just loved to so yeah... here it goes.

👨🏻‍🎓 > > > > > 👮🏻‍♂️

[ third person ]

weeks have past that fast, still taehyung and jungkook looked forward everytime their schedule of their meet would come to time.

it was almost time for the students to leave the inprisonment, but to the lovers? they don't want to.

taehyung was talking to his mom now when he finished his project and lately meet his kookie.

"mom, i have something to tell you."

taehyung was scared of what would his moms reaction after he will speak the truth.

he was overwhelmed when he remember the music he listened when they wete about to go here in the jail.

it reminds him of his situation of how he fell in love with a criminal-- no scratch that, he fell in love with a man who just have to do something before everyone will ruin their lives.

"yes taebaby... what is it? is something wrong? you know that you can tell me anything dear."

the younger was now terrifies and disappoint for himself. he forgot that his own mom was so understanding and would really understand his situation right now.


"yes taebaby?..."

"i'm in love."

thats what he first said, he slowly looked down afraid to meet the eyes of his mom.

"that would be great taebaby!?... whos the lucky guy hmm? is it your schoolmate? is he there? can i see him?"

now, taehyung was hesitant to tell because of the questions his mom was asking him. how could he answer those if it wasn't even had a clue or connection to his kookie.

"mom... please d-don't be m-mad at me"

taehyung pout infront of his mom in the phone were they got video call.

"he isn't a student nor a teacher or a guard in here but..."

"but... his a prisoner, the one that i have to interview for my project."

taehyung got now teary, afraid his mom would scolded him but he got none. his mother was quiet, no word left to her mouth.

"i-i'm... i-i don't know how to react."

taehyungs mom respond in late.

"i'm shocked... very. but, are you sure?"

taehyung nodded his head and now looking at his mom on the screen.

"yes mom... a-and he got r-reasons why h-he do those t-things."

"o-oh... okay."

"u-uhm... i don't know what to say taebaby but i'll always be here for you, okay?"

daehyun said to his son with a proud smile plastered on his face.

"thank you mom... i love you."

taehyung said though his tears flowing down his cheek now because of how his mom so understandable and supportive for him.

"i love you too taebaby... i'm going now, talk to you later, be safe there and see you soon."

In Love With The Criminal | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now