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a/n: i still wrote when no one actually reading this but whatever... i love to write so here you go.

don't forget to vote *pout with doe eyes*

now to the story...

👨🏻‍🎓 > > > > > 👮🏻‍♂️

[ k.th pov ]

     "hey there, beautiful."

     i looked up and saw him smirking at me while my heart skipped a beat and my breath stuck on my throut. i think i'll faint any minute now for just looking at him, he's more ethereal in personal and sexy and hot and and... okay i can't really describe him.

     he's smirk never leave on his face while i am drooling over him, just look at him... i know you can't but really his the most handsome i've ever met in my entire life. how could someone be this so undescribable person?

     "take a picture my love, it would last long."

     he said while leaning on his sit.

     our face were inch apart that if i move my lips it would brush on his. i don't know but i'm mesmerized by his eyes that telling me to lean.

     and thats what i did... i leaned on him and our lips met. i felt spark on my body and closed my eyes, he move his lips on me gently while his hand attached on my cheek and caressing it.

     i don't know what got into me that my hands raise and held his neck tightly to deepen the kiss.

     passionately moving and by that i felt love by the kiss, it was my first and i didn't felt weird on kissing this man infront of me.

     thankfully that were alone in the room that no one is watching what were doing.

     after some time, even i don't what to let go of the kiss i still did because of i need oxygen to breath. i broke the kiss first but still closed eyes afraid he might looked disgusted because of my action.

     but nevertheless he still caressing my cheek while i still felt his breath on my lips.

     'oh-my-god... what have i done. i'm so stupid, your so stupid taehyung.'

     i scolded myself for doing such action. my anxiety attacked on me again and i felt my hands shaking uncontrollably.

     "hey love, relax... its okay."

     he said while his hand on top of mine and then i felt safe of it.

     later on, i open my eyes and meet his dark orbs. i can see galaxy on his eyes, its beautiful and its so mesmerizing me.

     "you're so beautiful, love. do you know that?"

     he said while giving me a toothy smile. he looked like a bunny, adorable bunny.

     "u-uhm... t-thank y-you a-and you t-too."

     looking down afraid he might seen my pink cheek right now for blushing.

     i hear him chuckle and thats the most desirable sound i've ever heard. am i dreaming? like i met the devil but angel for me.

     "i love your lips... its so kissable. can we do it again?"

     he said nonchalant, like its the normal thing to do.

     nevertheless i nod without second thought. he leaned again while his hand on my chin to left it up.

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