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(Pretend its Sabrina  hes kissing)

2 months  later

Sabrina  was helping  the wounded  when her husband  was sent to other unit to help out and it was probably  for the best since  Sabrina  and hawkeye  was in a fight  befor he left . It was about the baby aging . And Sabrina  felt so bad how she talked to him amd yelled about . That after she was done  work she was in the mess tent looking at her coffee .

And to her luck Bj comes  in and sits  a cross  from her

And to her luck Bj comes  in and sits  a cross  from her

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"Penny  for your thoughts  ?"

"Oh hey  BJ "

"You ok you seemed down "

"Me and Hawkeye  had a fight befor he left "

"About a baby?"

"Ya eversince we lost are frist one he feels  like hes pushing me into wanting  to try aging . But hes not . I want this so much . Just like he dose . I just  wish i understood  why he thinks he is pushing me into this "

"Sabrina  I know Hawkeye loves you and cares  for you and will do anything  for you . And believe  me when I say  this  . That he wants a family  . But maybe you guys should  hold off till qe go back home.  I mean where your not In a war zone  we all know that haveing a baby here is to risky let alone stressful.  I think thats why Hawkeye is worried  because  of the stress  it would  put on you aging here . I mean Hawkeye  was so worried  qhen you lost the baby . He wouldn't  leave  your bedside even when you were back here he watched you . "  Sabrina  sighs "i guess your right  . Maybe we should  wait to have a baby aging  .   Just then a jeep  pulled  up amd Sabrina  saw Hawkeye  get out and looks at the mess tent  . She gets  up and runs outside  and kissed  him .

When they pulled  back Hawkeye  smiled  . "Im so so so sorry  Sabrina  I didnt mean for the fight .

She sighs "hunny its ok your right we should  wait till we get home from the war .  "You want to wait that long ?"

"Yes Im ok with it . I love you Hawkeye  "

"I love you to Sabrina  " 

He hugs  her and looks  and bj and sighs he new her and him had a talk and monthed thank you "

Bj wanves to him saveing hes wlcome 

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