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( Little disclosure if you're  a person who is  about   Religion dont tack this  Personal its based  off a episode  from the show)

It was a low key afternoon till there was in coming  and there was a man who called  him slef  Jesus christ . And that didn't  go well for a  few doctors  . So  Major Winchester major houlihan called in somebody a so called   Specialist his name Colonel Samuel Flagg.   But most pepole think  he is not all there .

Sabrina  was looking  over a chrt when Flagg came over to her . "Doctor  what you think about this man ?"  "You mean the  Soldier who thinks  hes christ? "

"He is a cowered  and shall be put back in battle  or  a  Court martial. Hawkeye  was watching  from near by waiting to see what will happen .

Sabrina  sighs and walks  out of  and pushed him to  a wall . "Now look here  Flagg  I dont know how you be came A Colonel in the frist  place but I out rank you im a   Major Colonel . But i dont use it . So i out rank  you here . Now you dont know just want gose on in there heads let alone what they see . So that man in there talking with Sidney  thinks hes who he is then so be it . And you will drop this or so help me the Olny one who will be  Court martialed is YOU AND YOU CAN TELL THE TO MAJORS WHI CALLED YOU THE SAME "

Sabrina  walks  off . And hawkeye  leans on the wall . "You really pisst her iff flagg . "She needs to know her place . "No she dosent cuz shes right .  And believe  me I wouldn't  push it with her . Last man who did . Didnt come  back .

Later on everyone was in potters office  and they were talking .

And flagg was going off .  And Sabrina  sighs and walks out of the room and back with mps

"Sabrina  whats going on ?"

"I have some friends  In the  telligence division and i told them about flagg here . And turns  out hes not  Army intelligence. He is  Escape patient from the psychiatric word in Soho .

She hands the file over . " I told you dont mess with me "

Potter looks it over and nods . "Tack him away "

Sabrina  looks at Winchester  and  Hoolahan. And scoffs  . "And you say the man calling him slef Jesus christ  is nuts . "Next time let the  Professionals deal with it "

Sabrina  walks oit out the room . Hawkeye  looks at them . "See what happens  when you wake the beast ?" 

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