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As Sabrina went to her tent to get ready for her date with Hawkeye. Margaret stops by . And walks in
"Sabrina you will never belive what I heard from frank just now ."
"Uhhhhh that he's nuts?"
"No that you got permission to date Hawkeye "
"Will what you say if It was true?"
"Wait what?" Margaret looks at Sabrina. "What you mean its true?" "I mean that me and Hawkeye are dateing we have been for a few weeks in fact tonight is are frist night out from all this war .

Margaret sits down and sighs .
"Sabrina you know he has hit on all the nurses here me being one of them "

"Ok so what dose that have to do with anything?"

"I just dont want your heart broken "

"Margaret with all do respect my heart was broken way befor I came here " she walks off to the showers

Margaret walks off to Hawkeyes tent and walks right in

"Alright pierce you listen here and listen good .

Hawkeye sits down . "Im all ears "

"I know you are tacking Sabrina potter out on a date . And you better treat her good that means no funny business and then forget her the next day "

He puts his hand up to stop her . "Look I get you want to look out for her Margaret I do but I don't have intentions of one night standing her " "I care for her way to much to for her to even do that ."

"Wait I cant belive what Im hereing. The Hawkeye pierce is falling in love with Sabrina? "

Hawkeye nods "you bet I am . In fact in the next few months Im planing on poping the question to her . He points to his ring finger "

"Hawkeye I cant belive it you really considering this . "

Hawkeye nodes. "Im going to ask her father for permission as well .

Margaret smiles "this is grate news "
"Yes will dont tell her ok ?"

"You have my word"

Hawkeye smiles
"now in you excuse me I have a date to get ready for"

falling for the Colonel 's daughter Where stories live. Discover now