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To weeks later Sabrina was sleeping  in her and hawkeyes tent . Hawkeye woke up and saw Sabrina asleep in her or outfit.  He covers her up . "Mmmmm what is it ?" "Oh sorry darling go back to sleep " "do we have incoming?"
"No no you rest ok you need it "
"No no i need to help out"
"Sabrina listen to me ok I know you want to help out buy if you want us to be married.  You have to tack some time to rest you been up for hours.  And your father told me that you haven't even tock a rest . Sabrina sighs and lays back down. Hawkeye covers her back up and kissed her head . "Sleep baby"  he heads  out to the mess tent .

B.J was siting down with Margaret
"Can you belive it Hawkeye and Sabrina engaged to be married "

Margaret sighs "I still cant believe it. But Im happy for them "

Hawkeye walks in and smiles.  "Hey everyone "

"Hey man how did you sleep?"
BJ asked

"Good good "
"Hows Sabrina?"
"Shes good talked her into haveing  a rest right now . "

"Why is she sick?"
"No no of course not its just she worked 3 shifts with out a break so  I told her to get some sleep  she could barely stand when she came back to the tent "

"Its also abit odd sharing a tent with a lady now . But shes my  Fiance so im ok with it "

BJ smiles.  "So are you guys having a wedding here or back home?"

"Will we been talking about have 2 weddings you know one here and when the war  over back states side that way are familys can be part of it "
"Sounds  smart " BJ said . Hawkeye nods . Thanks guys

Later in the day Sabrina woke up.
And looks at outside seeing incoming. 

She walks out and gets ready for work.  Though she was still tried

Hawkeye  was  Scrubbing in when he saw Sabrina.  "Hey I thought  we tock you off the  Operating schedule?"  She looks at him . "Same here but burns dragged me in here . Saying your short staff.
Hawkeye sighs "ok you  Take it easy and  work with BJ ok?"
She nods

(Later in surgery)
Sabrina was working on a  Injured shoulder. "Sabrina?" She looks  up and BJ . "Yes?" "You ok ?" Uhhh BJ you may want to take over ok? "
"Why ?" "Cuz im about to pass out "  Margaret catches her .  "Ok come on Sabrina you need sleep . Frank watches.  "Why is  she a loud to leave "
"Shes tried frank she can barely stand up her body scht down cuz of it " .  "Will She should be reported "  "what she should be doing is back at her tent sleeping.  But you told her that we down a man witch was a lie . " said Hawkeye.  "Oh schut up price "
Margaret walks back in.
"I set  her up in bed . With a IV she was  Dehydrated . Hawkeye sighs . "Thankyou Margaret "
"Your wlcome doctor.  And colonel?"
"Yes ?"
"I tock her off the  Operating schedule for now till shes rested"
"Very well"
Frank  looks mad . "This wont go unpunished you know I will report her . "The olny one who will be on report  burns  is you . Now you saw Sabrina  how low on energy she was and you put on the schedule anyway and she worked  herslef to the point she was burnt out . So if anyone is on report  its you .

(After surgery)
Hawkeye walks into the pre op
And saw Sabrina asleep.  And walks over to her . And sits down tacking out his paper
She opens  her eyes.  "Hey "
"Shhhhhh go back to sleep "
"You sure?"
"Yes baby rest . You past out from no sleep and  Dehydration so we have a IV attached to you . You rest im going to do the same.  "You dont need to stay.  "Will I do Me and BJ are on the night shift.  That way we can get some work done and keep a eye on you . He smiles.  "Ok i love you " "love you to "
Sabrina falls back asleep resting

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