Chapter 9: Return to Equestria; The final Dream

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Equestria; Twilight's Castle

"D-Damn it.." stuttered Tirek as he watched Kid Buu clutching Sombra by his throat. The centaur clutched his right arm assuming it was now broken. He didn't know what happened to that pink blob but it was now a monster. He knew it was hypercritical to talk about but after what this 'thing' did to him and the dark tyrant who wouldn't call it a monster. Hell it obliterated the changeling queen with ease and simply laughed at her pain as she begged for her life.

He watched as Kid Buu began to laugh again and sent a fist into Sombra's gut making him cough up blood. the Majin then turned and chucked the dark unicorn as he tumbled across the ground like a rag doll. Tirek taking the opportunity fires one last powerful blast from his horns as it impacted the Majin in a cloud of orange smoke. When the dust cleared all that was left was pink blobs of what was Kid Buu.

"HA!" laughed Tirek. "Serves you right."

His celebration was cut short when he saw the pink blobs start to move, Tirek looked in disbelief and fear as the pink blobs came together and started to reform Kid Buu. The centaur can only look, frozen in fear as Kid Buu started right at him with a stern glare before smiling. Tirek couldn't move he spent all of his magical energy and whatever was giving him that extra boost was gone now.

Kid Buu raised his hand toward the centaur ready to end its pathetic life, the Majin turned his head toward the castle to see the other ponies looking at him in fear. Kid Buu knew it would totally helpless for them he knew that Lord Beerus and Whis wouldn't interfere do he would do as he please. He kept his gaze on them and charged his purple aura and eyes glowing a bright red his hand still pointing toward Tirek who clenched his eyes waiting for death to take him.

"HOHOHOHOHOOHOHO!" yelled Buu as he a pink ball of ki formed in his palm, and thrust forward-


The sudden voice stopped Kid Buu in his tracks, he didn't know why he stopped but there was something about that voice. He turned to see a familiar pink mare but she wasn't the same the last time he saw her. Her usual pink mane was now straight and her coat had gotten a few shades darker and tears flowing down her cheeks.

Kid Buu just looked at her with a curious expression wondering why he couldn't just ignore this pony, "B-Buu,'s o-over."

Kid Buu only shook his head his glowing red eyes staring into Pinkie Pie's blue ones.

Pinkie Pie: "Please! nopony else has to die! Killing is wrong!"

It was then Kid Buu knew what had been stopping him this pink pony had made relations with the good side of him... but he was destroyed leaving only him. Could it be that he had some goo inside him too? He looked at the pink pony one more time and his eyes widened the red glow in his dissipated and his purple aura diminished. He took a step forward toward Pinkie as she took a back in fear.

Kid Buu stopped, he knew why the other side of was so fond of her she reminded him of a certain human with an afro. Buu held his hand out but instantly flinched it back when Pinkie whimpered. He felt a big pain in his chest, what was this feeling? he reached out again and placed his hand on her cheek causing Pinkie to look up at him, he felt a drop of liquid on his finger and looked at it curiously. He then felt something wet on his cheek and noticed that it was the same liquid.

He had never felt this before Pinkie could only look in surprise to see the Buu to be exact crying in front of her. His tears dropping to the ground. Without thinking she pulled the Majin into an embrace making his eyes grow wide, he hesitantly brought his arms around the pink mare pulling her close.

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