Chapter 10: A Good Night Sleep

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Twilight's Castle

"But I'm not sleepy!" whined Goten.

"Yeah! We could stay up all night!" added Trunks.

Twilight rolled her eyes and tucked both the colts in their bed. Spike was already passed out in the bed next to them. After the presentation shown by Whis, the group decided to go their separate ways for the night. Dende had returned with Celestia and Luna back to Canterlot while Beerus and Whis took their leave back to their home planet. Her brother Shining Armor and her sister-in-law Cadence had decided to stay in Canterlot with her parents for awhile.

As for her friends, they went back to their homes for the night, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow went to go check on the crusaders and Spike which Gohan, Videl, and Piccolo decided to go join them. Fluttershy had offered Pinkie that she could stay at her place after what happened with Buu but the pink mare kindly refused saying that she was fine. Twilight however didn't buy it, she knew Pinkie wasn't going to let go easy, but decided to not intervene knowing that Pinkie needs some time to herself.

"Goten, Trunks."said Twilight. "I promise if you go to bed that I'll make a big breakfast tomorrow."

The two saiyan colts eyes suddenly widened.

"Really!" they both exclaimed.

Twilight let out a giggle. "Yep! And it can all be just for you two if you go to sleep."

Trunks let out a fake yawn, "Wow I got tired all of a sudden. Come on Goten it's time to go to sleep."

With that said Trunks quickly got under the covers and closed his eyes letting out quick snores, Goten however stayed awake still sitting up in his bed. Twilight gave him a curious look and walked toward the small orange colt.

"Goten? What's wrong?" asked Twilight as Goten's big eyes met hers. She was then caught off guard as Goten wrapped his forelegs around Twilight's neck pulling her into an embrace and whispers something that she would never thought he would say.

Goten: "I love you, mommy."

Twilight was surprised to say the least, but put it behind her and returned the embrace, "I love you too Goten." she responds as she pecks his forehead and places him under the covers. She watches with a smile as Goten them slowly drifts off to sleep before taking her leave out the room.

Twilight's Bedroom

Goku let out a loud yawn as he got comfortable under the covers with the Princess of Friendship by his side. Twilight snuggled into her coltfriend's chest letting out a happy sigh. "You were really strong back there Twilight." suddenly said Goku.

"What do you mean?" asked Twilight.

Goku: "I mean back at Canterlot High with Superman. It took me and Vegeta to fuse but it seemed that you were handling him like it was no problem."

Twilight Sparkle: "Well, I did still lose."

Goku: "Are you kidding me!? You were amazing! I don't think even I could stand a chance."

Twilight only smiled at Goku's childish behavior and pecked the orange alicorn on the lips. "Thank you Goku, for everything. You don't know how much you mean to me."

Goku gave her a loving smile,"And I could say the same thing about you."

The two alicorns then shared another kiss before retiring to bed and drifting off to sleep.

Goku: "I love you Twilight."

Twilight Sparkle: "And I love you Goku."

Universe 7; Somewhere in Space

Sorbet was standing alone looking out the window of his ship. It had been trouble after their leader death and his army had grown weaker ever since. No thanks to those wretched saiyans, but no matter soon they will pay along with their planet.

"Commander Sorbet!" said a soilder rtushing into the room and saluting.

"What is it private Appule," answered Sorbet his voice growing impatient.

"We found Namek sir! And are awaiting further orders."

Sorbet eyes widened and a evil grin spread across his face."Get ready for landing and prepare the soldiers, Lord Frieza is coming back to life and I want to make a good impression."

Appule quickly nods and leaves the room, Sorbet smile grows as he now sees the giant green planet known as Namek come into view.

"Soon Lord Frieza," he says quietly to himself, "You will have your revenge."

(Ending Credits)

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