Chapter 5: Clash of Titans; Third Dream

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Equestria Girls Universe

The six girls walked down the streets of town from Sugar Cube Corner, Rainbow had been more energetic and social since they arrived at the bakery and now there was nothing that could bring her mood down. She had thought about what Sunset said and noticed she was right if she was ever going to see Vegeta again she couldn't act like a damp cloth.

She had though about communicating to him with that book Sunset writes in to see how he is, she was sure Sunset wouldn't mind. Speaking of the brilliant amaranth haired girl she was happy to see Rainbow spirits back up, she was worried that Rainbow might do something she would regret if this kept up. Her thought's were interrupted when a sudden tremor shook the ground making the girls loose their balance.

"What in the hay was that!?" said Applejack.

"Maybe it was an earthquake?" suggested Rarity.

"That was no earthquake, " stated Sunset as she looked at Rainbow who had stars in her eyes, Rainbow knew only two people that could cause a tremor like that and that was Goku and....Vegeta. She could hear her friends behind her telling her to slow down and wait for them to catch up, but she didn't care all she wanted to do was to see Vegeta and nothing was going to slow her down.

Good thing they were close to the school or this would have been way more tiring then it is. Once she made it to the school she gasped a t the sight that lay in front of her. The school was devastated a cars were literally thrown through the walls, that was when she knew this wasn't the work of Goku and Vegeta, this was something else.

She then felt a tremor behind her and turned around to meet a red 'S' on a man's chest with a tight blue suit, he had short wavy black hair and a muscular build, and he was staring right at her. Rainbow shakily stepped back as the man's eyes began glow red with hatred as a purple aura began to surround his body.

He pointed his finger at the rainbow haired girl and spoke in a deep voice that made her blood run cold.

Superman: "Where is the Super Saiyan God."

Twilight's Castle

Discord sent a fist into the blue earth pony's gut making him cough up and sent an axe kick sending the saiyan prince to the ground. Vegeta with an angry expression charged up again and sent a punch toward the spirit of chaos' face only for him to turn in a puff of smoke and intertwine him like a snake.

Discord began to squeeze as the saiyan prince began to scream in agony, he elbowed Discord's stomach but got no result, charging up his ki Vegeta transformed in to his super saiyan form as Discord instantly let go watching with a furious expression.

"I have to admit I didn't expect you to be this good." smirked Discord, "But it's not enough."

"Well, see about that worm." replied Vegeta as he charged his golden aura and sped toward Discord, only for him to dodge with ease as Vegeta started to sent a barrage of kicks and jabs towards the chaos god, but none of them hitting home. Discord use his tail to wrap around Vegeta's hoof and fling him toward the ground as he collided in a cloud of dust and smoke.

Discord floated down as Vegeta shakily got to his hooves, he screamed in anger as he transformed into his ascended super saiyan form and sent a ki wave toward Discord as he just stood there and took it head on. Vegeta sent a barrage of ki blasts as they all impacted in a yellow explosion that shook the earth.

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