Chapter 8: Birth of a New God; Revival of a Majin

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Twilight's Castle

Everything was silent the fighting had stopped and the screaming had been silenced. The only sound was the sound of the wind and the flowing aura of Kid Buu. Eyes glowing red and a sadistic smile plastered on his face, Discord had a fearful but determined look on his face as he stood his ground. He couldn't stop shaking due to the majin's immense power, he was a monster.

Kid Buu then turned and faced Discord as he floated to the ground in front of the Spirit of Chaos keeping his smile. Meanwhile the other fighters were watching with the z-fighters looking in fear as the others in confusion. They had instantly stopped at the sudden outburst of power an all too familiar power of an evil majin that took a super saiyan 3 and spirit bomb to defeat the one that destroyed the Earth along with billions of lives.

Back at the castle Beerus and Whis looked in shock at the sudden transformation Buu had taken, the same could be said with the other ponies as well. Discord gritted his teeth, without wasting anytime and breaking the silence he sent a magical bolt of lightning toward Kid Buu who swatted it away with ease.

The Majin laughed at Discord attempt to attack him and then disappeared from view. DIscord's eyes widened when he felt a powerful blow in his stomach making him hunch over in pain. Kid Buu then did a flip in the air and kicking the back of Discord's head launching him to the ground. The smoke cleared revealing the Spirit of Chaos bruised and cut, and barely moving.

"M-Majin Buu!" stuttered Piccolo.

"Why are you scared? I thought that pink creature was on your side?" asked Sombra with confusion..
"Gohan! Goten! Trunks!" yelled out Piccolo ignoring the dark tyrant, "We need to clear out now!"

The other saiyans nodded and shot off towards the castle leaving Sombra, Chrysalis, and Tirek in a confused state. Where do they think they're going!?" screamed Chrysalis as she charged her aura and began to chase the retreating fighters but only to stop abruptly as she was now face to face with Kid Buu who used instant transmission to get in front of the changeling queen with a wicked smile on his face.

Chrysalis didn't have time to dodge as her whole world was engulfed in a pink and burning light.

Canterlot High

Superman was blown back once again by another blast of magic from Twilight who was watching the Man of Steel as he soared and collided into a nearby school bus. Twilight spread her wings and grit her teeth charging Superman not letting him get a chance to recover and rammed him through the us tearing it in half.

"I'LL NEVER FORGIVE FOR WHAT YOU DID!" yelled Twilight as she picked up Superman by the collar of his shirt and sent a powerful uppercut to his jaw launching him in the air.

The Man of Steel recovered in the air and growled in anger and charging his purple aura. "You think just because you control magic, you have a chance to defeat me?!"

Superman then shot downward like a torpedo creating a thunder clap in the process toward the Princess of Friendship who met him halfway. Both of their fists collided creating a magic like shockwave to spread through the air. meanwhile the Sunset, Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie, and Fluttershy were watching the battle unfold. In shock that she was actually winning against someone, that even Goku and Vegeta couldn't even beat.

They didn't really know what had happened when they returned to Equestria but whatever it was the girls were grateful that it happened.

"G-girls." said a weak voice as the girls quickly spin around and their eyes widening and the their breathe instantly stopping. There standing before them was a familiar teenage saiyan with long spiky hair protruding upwards, his hand clutching the upper portion of his chest as small amounts of blood can be seen oozing out.

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