Chapter 6: Limitless Power; Goku's Struggle

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Canterlot High

Thunder claps littered the night sky the seven girls below had to cover their ears from the loud noise as Vegeta stood unfazed by the effect. He watched with a serious expression as his rival battled the being known as Superman. Goku was having trouble with him no doubt about it, he didn't know if Goku sensed it as well but when the Man of Steel charged up his ki it felt almost....endless.

Vegeta clenched his fists, a mere super saiyan would not be able to defeat this kind of opponent but at the same time Kakarot was no mere super saiyan anymore. He watched as the teenage saiyan blocked another punch but only to get another punch sent straight for his nose making him stagger back in the air. Goku then sent a wave of blue energy at Superman as the Man of Steel crossed his arms blocking the attack, Goku then charged up his ki and rushed the man in blue gave him a swift punch to the gut.

Superman only smiled and grabbed Goku in a tight bear hug and began to squeeze making him cry out in pain, he then charged up his purple aura and descended at rapid speeds. Once the ground started to become close he let go of Goku causing the saiyan to shoot to the ground in a cloud of debris and dust, Superman not taking any chances fired a wave of purple ki to where Goku impacted causing another explosion to shake the earth.

"Goku!" screamed Twilight as she started to run towards the crater only for Vegeta to grab a hold of her arm, "Vegeta! Let go! We have to help him!"

Vegeta: "Don't be a fool, you don't have enough power to take on this opponent, you'll be blasted away before you get even two feet of Kakarot."

Twilight Sparkle: "B-but..."

She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked to see Sunset, "He's right Twilight, and to be honest I don't think the elements will stop this thing."

"W-what do you mean? Of course they will!" protested Twilight as tears threatened to escape her eyes.

"Those little elements or Rainbow power are useless if you can't hit him." added Vegeta, "And for Kakarot take another look."

Twilight looked back at the creator and her eyes widened when she saw Goku standing, his shirt half gone and glaring at the man floating in the sky. Twilight probably had already said this many times to herself but Goku was truly amazing, she could only think of a few who could survive a blast like that. She looked in worry thought to see that her coltfriend or in this case boyfriend actually hurt and grunting in pain,

"I have to admit, I seem to be having a little trouble." called out Goku.

"Indeed you are, you must know by know that it is pointless." replied the man of steel.

Goku: "Nah, I just wanted to know how strong you were and now that I know I can finally stop holding back."

Superman's eyes widened, "What?! You've been holding back."

Goku smirked as small pebbles began to levitate around him, he let out a might scream as his golden aura grew and flailed violently. Hurricane like winds flew around him causing the girls to hold on to each other at the intensity while Vegeta just stood unfazed with his arms crossed. The  Man of Steel just watched with an eyebrow raised as Goku screamed once more causing the ground beneath him to give away forming a massive crater beneath him.

Superman's eyes widened when he saw the teenage saiyan with no eyebrows long spiky golden hair that came down to his lower back and green eyes with a serious content. The Man of steel just smiled and let out a chuckle, "You think this will beat me? Let me tell you saiyan, no one compares to me!"

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