Chapter 5:

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Jackson Miller drove his shiny red mustang like he was above the law. That damn kid had a death wish. I white-knuckled, grabbing the 'oh shit' handle the whole ride to the little bar we were headed to. There was a band playing there tonight and it sounded mildly entertaining. They were getting a little buzz on the scene and I thought it wouldn't hurt to check them out. Besides, it was about the only thing of interest going on in Ohio on a Tuesday night. Neither one of us were drinking so we could have gone anywhere we wanted, but I felt like this was the place I was supposed to be. Jax wasn't technically old enough to cut loose and I had done too well to slip up now.

It was going to be a boring old chill out with a Coke and maybe some greasy bar food kind of night. Simple, innocent, and easy.

I would never admit it, but I secretly missed Ohio more than I thought I would. It was so much more relaxed than LA. I definitely liked the food better; none of that health-conscious crap I suffered with living under the same roof as Stells. I liked my artery-clogging foods too much to ever acclimate to the food out there. Everything here was served with a heaping pile of spaghetti or a sausage on the side. Add in a little cinnamon and chocolate and it tasted like home.

Jax and I strolled into the dimly lit bar a few minutes later. The bouncer stopped and carded me at the door but didn't even take a second look at the butt munch walking behind me. He strolled in with a smirk plastered on his face as he gloated over his extreme awesomeness. So much for my little bit of fame. It was odd not being recognized at the door and treated differently. It was actually somewhat nice in a weird way.

We commandeered a booth near the back and asked the waitress for a menu. I told Jax he could order whatever he wanted, except alcohol. I didn't feel like having to carry him home just to explain to my mom and dad that I let him get drunk on my watch. He frowned at me as he called me all sorts of rude names. Jax then took matters into his own hands and ordered every appetizer on the menu to get back at me.

The waitress gave him a fake, annoyed smile as he rattled off every item he could find. It took her three attempts to repeat the order back to him. I could see the glee in his eyes as he stopped her to correct the order multiple times. She was going to spit in his food if he kept it up and I wouldn't have blamed her one bit for it. I hid my face to keep from laughing. I would have to make sure I tipped her really well for putting up with this little brat.

"Are you really planning on eating all of that?" I asked once the waitress finally gave up and left.

"I've been eating Ramen noodles for the last month. I need to refill the tank." He smiled. I thought he was looking a bit green. That would explain it.

Jax had the Miller hollow leg like the rest of us and fessed up that he was low on funds. He had exhausted the dining plan my parents bought him well over a month ago and didn't want to say anything to them because he didn't want to look irresponsible. I pulled out my phone and transferred a couple of hundred dollars to him to reload his card tomorrow to get him by. I had gone hungry before and I sympathized with my pathetic little brother. He was a growing boy and needed food. He was a shithead, but it didn't mean I liked to watch him struggle.

The band was still setting up on the stage when our food arrived at the table. Jax dove in without hesitating and swallowed the food whole without chewing. It was the most disgusting thing I had ever seen. I was prepared to jump up to give him the Heimlich Maneuver if he choked on it.

I took a few bites myself and let out a satisfied sigh. The food was delicious and it helped fill the longing for home I had been suffering with for the last few months. It was a huge comfort tonight being here with my little brother and enjoying everything I had missed out on while I was away.

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