Chapter 32

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A/n: Mkay, so 32 chapters in, and I feel like nothing has happened, I need to get stuff moving


•Nightmares, however the topic of the nightmares themselves aren't detailed

•The feelings of terror from the nightmare are detailed though

~le timeskip because I feel like it~

Weeks later, they were all getting things back to normal. The bullies got what was coming to them, and they hadn't heard from Janus, Remus, or Bryce, and nothing bad had happened.

Heck, Patton's mom was even being tolerable. She was doing her best to be accepting, and Patton was happy with whatever he could get from her. So that meant that basically everyone in the friend group was out to their families.

Well, Roman's parents didn't know he was pansexual-they just thought he was gay. Virgil knew his mom knew he was gay, even though he never officially came out. She saw him googling shirtless Harry Styles pictures and she kind of had an idea. Maybe he'd told her before-life was too hard to remember things.

So now everyone was just chilling out, on Virgil's abnormally large couch.

"Bet it's a lot quieter here without Remy, huh?" Roman joked as he looked around the house. He was a very snoopy teen.

Virgil nodded, before throwing a pillow at Roman, and signing at him to stop snooping.

"I'm sorry, you just have a nice house! I've always wondered what your house looked like-I thought you lived in a cave or something-" he started, before another pillow was thrown at him.

"Hey, you've been wearing all black baggy hoodies since middle school, you never spoke a word, or looked at anyone, I thought you were abused or depressed or something!" Roman defended.

"Roman. You're digging yourself in a hole, it would be wise to stop it" Logan informed, cupping a hand over his mouth.

"Imagine being silenced" Patton joked.

Virgil rolled his eyes, and threw himself onto the couch next to his friends, and they talked, -well, he signed- about random things, and even got a few inside jokes out of the situation.

Then, the front door opened, and in hauled Alessandra, dragging a drunk Clinton to their bedroom, "Virgil, your father had a long day at work, so he went to the damn bar again-CLINTON, NO THAT IS NOT-oh my god-okay so anyways, you'll have to cook fishsticks for dinner, I-"

She looked over to see other humans on the couch.

"Oh! Other humans-wow, dang Virgil, Mr. Popular aren't you?" She smirked, shoving Clinton into their room.

Virgil rolled his eyes, pursing his lips as he crossed his arms.

"Well, i'll see you-in a hour or something.." she smiled, slowly closing her bedroom door, yelling, "CLINTON. That iS NOT A TOilet!!-"

Then, the front door opened again, as Remy busted through, Starbucks in hand as he was screaming into his phone, "Oh, really?! Sex and gender are the same thing? Well, I don't recall having gender with your mom last night!!"

"You know what-no. I'm not having this conversation right now. NO, TIMOTHY, I'M HANGING UP!" He yelled, pressing the hang up button, "ugh, that asshole thinks he has the right to hang up the phone on me..if he has one thing, it's the audacity."

"Remy, what the hell?" Roman asked.

"Oh shut up, Timmy was asking for that-he's such a little bully, god, high school freshmen..." Remy muttered.

"Wait why are you talking to a freshman?" Patton asked.

"He's my friends' little brother-anyways, I brought like, three boxes of pizza-I heard that dad was drunk, and Virgil can't use the oven for shit. Here, let me put my purse down, i'm going to get them" he said, going back outside.

"Why don't you put down the starbuc-"

"Hell no, kid, coffee is my life!" Remy yelled from outside.


Patton shook in fear as he woke up with a start. His head was pounding from all of the fears and possibilities surging through his brain, which was well over the edge of overthinking.

Beside him, awoke Roman, who he'd invited over to his house after they left Virgil's. They slept together, a movie playing in the background as they fell asleep peacefully, Patton's head on Roman's shoulder.

The peace didn't last however, because here Patton was, shallowly breathing with unshed tears pooling in his eyes.

The soft glow of the tv illuminated his face, showing the terror that consumed his features. But he was so overwhelmed-and the tv felt so bright and harsh on his eyes.

Roman stirred from next to him, waking up to see Patton's heavy, jagged breaths and the slow rocking back and forth of his shaking body and twitching limbs.

The look of dread and panic on his face, morphed into something greater as Roman touched him. Patton flinched in alarm, a strangled scream coming from his throat. He looked at Roman and threw himself off of the bed, banging against the wooden dresser, "Remus get away- GET AWAY!!"

It was at that moment Roman felt his heart break. No...Patton thought...

It shouldn't have been a shock-they were twins. But now the reality of the situation dawned on him. His crush was having his brother's baby. He fully intended on dating Patton. This would surely cause problems in the relationship.

"Patton no, i'm not Remus!"

"GET AWAY GET AWAY GET AWAY!" He began to sob, repeating over and over again.

Roman had no idea what to do as panic rose inside do him. All he could do was try to help him breathe, give him space, and be gentle.

Patton eventually blinked, seemingly grounding himself as he tried to take steady breaths. "R-Roman?" He whispered.

"Patton, are you okay?" Roman asked in a calm, firm voice that helped Patton realize that he was in his room, that he was okay.

And Patton let the tears flow down. It always seemed that it became a thousand times worse when someone asked the dreaded question: are you okay?

He was not okay. He shook his head, burying his face into Roman's chest as he sobbed.

"Do you want to talk about it? It might make you feel better. You're not alone Patton..i'm here for you.." Roman whispered, knowing exactly what the nightmare was about.

Patton nodded. Maybe it would make him feel better. He calmed himself down as best he could, but he just kept on sobbing.

"We don't have to talk now" Roman whispered gently, running soothing fingers through Patton's hair, bringing him close to his chest to lay down, "rest. I'm right here. And if you have another nightmare, wake me up. I'll be here for you-every time. And we can talk when you're ready.."

Patton sniffled, nodding.

Roman turned the tv off, and laid down to get Patton in a more comfortable position, and he just sat there, holding him until he fell back asleep. And Roman watched him for a while. There was no sign of any nightmare, so he closed his eyes too.

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