Chapter 18

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TW: injuries, transphobia

Later that night, when his father was asleep, Patton crept into the kitchen. He loved his dad so, so much—he loved his mother too, but he wasn't ready to come out to his father. He wouldn't be able to bear if his father looked at him in the same disapproving way he knew his mother would.

And this was easy to pull off, because his mother always stayed up later than everyone else to finish doing dishes and laundry, and sewing back together torn dolls, or making Patton a frilly skirt..

She was an old school mom.

He had to admit, she was wonderful at sewing and making things, and the dresses and skirts and blouses were very beautiful. He kind of felt guilty, because he knew there were some other people who'd be so much more appreciative..

"H-hey there mom" Patton said shakily as he entered the room.

He had no idea how his mother would react. Mad? Sad? Angry? Accepting? ...Disappointed?

Patton frowned. He hated the feeling he got when he disappointed anyone..he couldn't bare to look into the eyes of someone who he knew was ashamed of him. Especially if that someone was his mother.

Who was supposed to be supporitive.

"Yes, dear?" She responded, setting down a now-clean plate. His mother didn't believe in dishwashers.

Especially if that person was his mother, who once would look at him with utter joy, and then anger and misunderstanding. Who was supposed to look at him the former way, with unconditional love.

He could still back out. Say something about a nightmare-no, no he couldn't-he had to do this. It was now or never.

"Mom, I-I need to talk to you. And I want you to know that-that i'm still your child, and that you-you need to give yourself some time to understand me-and-and to think about what this is putting me through mentally-"

"Pamela is this about the pregnancy? Oh, hon, I know I look at you weirdly sometimes but I know it's not your fault, you're still my sweet baby girl-"

"That's the thing mom! I'm not your sweet baby girl!"

"What?" She asked a little confused.

"I'm a boy!"

"...The birth certificate says you're a-"

"No-i'm not a boy as in I have hanging meat-"

"Hanging meat?" She questioned.

"A boys private part..I feel like i'm a boy, it's driving me insane, I can't look in the mirror anymore, I can't think about myself, everything feel so icky and wrong and-and i'm transgender" he admitted.

She dropped her glass plate in shock. It shattered into pieces, a perfect replica of Patton's heart in that moment.

"No. No daughter of mine is going to be one of those-those mental freaks!" She gasped, "Pam-pam, please tell me this is a joke?" She demanded.


"No. We are getting a doctor to fix you right this second" she growled, grabbing Patton's arm, her nails digging into his skin.

"Mom-you-you're hurting me!" He cried.

She gripped harder, "oh, you're in for a world of hurt young lady!"

"What is going on?!" A loud voice boomed.

"Dad!" Patton cried, sobbing.

"Cookie!" His father yelled, running over.

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