Chapter 35

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Virgil was still traumatized from the fire, though by the time the cookies were done he had calmed down significantly.

"What do you guys want to do?" Patton chirped, skipping into the room and turning the tv -that nobody was really watching anyways-off.

"Card game?" Roman questioned.

"I am not participating in such childish endeavors. Card games bring out the anger issues in everyone" Logan said blatantly.

"Awe c'mon Logie! It'll be fun!" Patton pouted, looking at him with big puppy dog eyes.

Logan stared blankly at him, "absolutely not."

Roman joined in on the puppy dog eyes as well but Logan just ignored it.

Virgil tugged on Logan's shirt sleeve and he looked over. Virgil had his hands clasped together, his bottom lip jutted out in a shaking pout, and his eyes big and watery.

And damn it, Logan was gay.

"Okay okay fine—i'll play—and how did you do that? Stop fake crying, it's very pitiful."

Virgil smirked, wiping the tears from his eyes as Roman looked on and scoffed, "Virgil's coming through with the Oscar worthy acting!"

Virgil rolled his eyes and flipped Roman the bird, before signing and asking what card game they should play.

"How about uno?"

Virgil gave him a dry look.

"Oh yeah he won't be able to sign with all the cards in his hands" Patton chuckled.

"Or, you know you could, and it's just a suggestion, really—you could talk?" Roman asked.

Logan hit him over the head with a rolled up newspaper, "he will speak when he's comfortable. And if he doesn't, then that's fine."

Virgil looked guilty, 'sorry' he signed.

"Awe, Virgy don't be sorry!" Patton exclaimed, attacking his dark strange son with a hug.

"You guys are right—I offer my sincerest apologies to you Virgil! I just let my curiosity get the better of me most times!" Roman exclaimed.

'You know, ironically, I talk in my sleep sometimes so if you're wondering what my voice sounds like I guess you could just stalk me in my sleep' he signed.

"Are you serious?" Logan questioned.

Virgil nodded.

"Wow..guess who i'm standing over tonight?" Roman questioned with a smirk.

Virgil rolled his eyes, before signing, 'how about we play sorry? That doesn't require much talking.'

Patton gasped, "my favorite board game!" He squealed, "okay okay—i'll go and grab it!"


Roman ended up flipping the board. No context will be given.


"And there were only two beds..." Patton whispered.

"I'm obviously sleeping with Patton!" Roman exclaimed.

"Patton, why do you even have two beds?" Logan questioned.

"Plot convenience" Patton said.


Virgil sighed, grabbing the rainbow tape to fix the wall with.

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