Chapter 16 (1st PERSON)

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My eyes opened and I looked around. I was in the back of a van. The only thing I could remember was talking to Jesse and he said he knew who I was. I kicked myself, I shouldn't have gone undercover in the first place. I have never done it before and I haven't trained enough. I never should've become an NCIS agent.
I tried to get out of the ropes on my hands and feet but I was unable to do so. A few moments later, I heard footsteps coming towards the door of the van. The door opened and 4 men appeared; one of them being Jesse. Jesse took me by my arm and pulled me out. They pushed me into a warehouse and locked the door after they walked out.
I need to get out of here. I need to tell Nick that I love him, I thought. And that's when the realization hit me. I love him. I love Nick Torres, I thought.

Eleanor "Ellie" Faith Gibbs: The Story of My Life: Book 1: Will You?Where stories live. Discover now