Chapter 20 (Nick Torres POV)

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Boss found her. I didn't have a chance to see her before she was taken to the ambulance. I was heading to the hospital now. I was probably driving just like Gibbs. I didn't care. I cared about the love of my life.
When I arrived at the hospital, I quickly ran over to Gibbs, who was seated in a chair, beside Bishop. "Any news on Ells?," I asked, hoping that there was some good news. "No. Nothing yet, Torres," Gibbs said in a harsh but stern way. I sat down next to Bishop, thinking to myself: If I just let her die...I will never forgive myself. Gibbs will hate me forever. Bishop will probably ignore me. McGee will probably cry himself to sleep. This is all because of me. I should've never become an NCIS agent. I wasn't ready and never will be.
A few minutes later, I was standing up, pacing around when a doctor walked towards us. "Mr. Gibbs?," she called out. "That's me," Gibbs said, standing up. "Sir, your daughter had serious injuries from the torture she had endured. You saved her,"
"If it would've been another minute longer, your daughter would not be here. She is stable and is recovering in room 113. She is asleep so please don't wake her. She needs all of the rest she can get with everything that's happened to her," she said. Gibbs literally hugged her.
"You don't know how much this means to me. Thank you so much! Um. Here," Gibbs said, handing her ten $10 bills. "No, sir,"
"It's just my job. You don't have to pay me," She said, pushing it away. "No. I insist. She's everything to me. My wife, Jack, died when she had her and I promised Jack that I would take care of her so please take the money," Gibbs said, handing it to her again and this time, she took it. "Thank you," she said. "No, thank you," Gibbs said and the doctor turned around and left.

Eleanor "Ellie" Faith Gibbs: The Story of My Life: Book 1: Will You?Where stories live. Discover now