Chapter XV: The Gates of Hell

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Ciel's POV

Ciel "Uuugghh finally all that paperwork is over..."

(Y/N) and i did our paperwork at my office. I decided to bring him along so it's not so boring but paperwork will always be paperwork.

(Y/N) "it wasn't that bad was it?"

Ciel "oh shut up! Your pen was floating the whole time! You barely moved a finger." Of course, since his powers are no longer secret to us, he took the advantage and flexed it in front of my face. (Y/N) giggled and i smiled slightly seeing him.

After a small moment of silence, (Y/N) spoke up. His tone still casual as ever.

(Y/N) "hey. I need to go to my manor."

Ciel "hm? Why?"

(Y/N) "i left a few things back there and i need to go get them."

Ciel "left what? Everything was burnt down last we were there."

(Y/N) "i doubt the thing im looking for is burned, it's located underground and fire cant damage it anyway."

Ciel "and what is this 'thing' exactly?" I say cocking an eyebrow up. Not that i was expecting him to answer anyway.

(Y/N) "That's a secret~ you'll have to come with me if you want to see~!" He said playfully.

Ciel "hmm... sure. Im interested in seeing this little 'secret' of yours. Not that i have anything better to do anyway. Elizabeth is gonna come here today and i rather not be here while she still has a lot of energy. Her dress-ups are always just.... ugh" i shudder at the thought.

(Y/N) "alright then, i guess we can just head off and I KNOW YOU'RE THERE ALOIS!"

Dark aura surrounded the doorknob and turned it up, the door flung open with Alois and Azel both dropping on the floor with a loud thud.

They both groaned and rubbed their heads as i looked at them with dissapointed eyes. Then again, hard not to be dissapointed with most people.

Alois "ow.... that hurt..."

(Y/N) "ever heard of knocking?"

Alois then sat up, crossing his legs.

Alois "hmph! I just wanted to know what you guys were doing!"

(Y/N) "work, you pervert. We were doing work."

Alois "any chance one of you is actually nicknamed 'work'?"

(Y/N) slowly shakes his head side to side. Also very dissapointed at Alois. I think im starting to like this 'mean' side of him.

Alois "hmph! I thought when you said 'little secret' you were gonna unzip your pan- WHOA!"

Before Alois could finish that sentence, dark aura surrounded his and Azel's leg and both were pulled out of my office by their feet and then dangled upside-down.

Ciel "hahah! You should do that to them more often. Fun to watch."

(Y/N) "You have such a dry sense of humor you know that?"

Ciel "oh yeah, as if you don't delight in the suffering of others. I saw how happy you were back at the park!"

At the ruins of Adelai Manor

(Y/N)'s POV

After the carrage ride, we finally made it. In truth, i could get here much faster just by using my powers but i wanted to enjoy the ride with Ciel.

I looked at my blackened home. The ceiling has collapsed and most of the windows were broken. Charred corpses line the stairway and the gardens and any sort of plantlife are now dead and ash.

Im not sure how long i just stood and looked at what once was my home but then i felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to the side and saw Ciel looking at me with worry.

Ciel "are you okay? You don't have to go in there you know? You could just ask me to grab whatever it is you need."

I placed my hand above his and gave him a gentle smile.

(Y/N) "im fine, Ciel. Don't worry about me."

Ciel "alright. But you tell me if anything is wrong okay?"

(Y/N) "i will."

Back to Ciel's POV

(Y/N) then suddenly let out a small laugh. It took me by surprise as i wouldn't expect him to be laughing here.

Ciel "w-why are you laughing?"

(Y/N) "hahah it's nothing. It's just so cute how you always worry about me."

My body straightened up and my face instantly went hot. I hoped he didn't notice but this only made him laugh even more!

Ciel "c-come on already!" I said dragging his hand into the manor. (Y/N) just laughed and followed.

*A Few Minutes Later*

Ciel "hm... just how far down does this go?"

We went through a few corridors and even a secret bookshelf and are now standing infront of a spiral stairwell that leads down. Far. So far down that i can't see where it leads. I counted 11 floors from here and the rest is covered in shadow. For some reason, i feel... unsettled....

(Y/N) "i can't give you the exact number. Just follow along. Oh and i need to warn you..."

He then turned to face me and (Y/N) looks... much more serious than usual. In fact, i dare say this is the most serious i have ever seen him.

(Y/N) "there are... things down there. You may not see them, but you will hear them. Whatever you do, DON'T listen to what they say..."

Ciel "things? What... what do you mean?"

(Y/N) simply looked at me in the eye. As if to say 'you don't want to know.' Alright. I think i understand, well i don't but... i know what not to do.

Ciel "alright, (Y/N)."

With that, he looked back at the stairs, and we slowly began our spiral descent down into the earth...

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