Chapter XXIII: Just Another Day

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Ciel's POV

Ah. Marvelous. Another day in this Hell hole... well, at least we're making progress... Sebastian and I found a few more pieces to the puzzle last night and we're coming closer to uncovering the secrets of this place. I left a letter telling (Y/N) of how we're doing and what needs to be done outside of the confines of this damned circus. I truly do envy the fact that he can go home and enjoy the luxuries of Trancy Manor, meanwhile I have to stay here and sleep in a tent, surrounded by the smell of sweat, smoke, and dirt.

After being woken up by Freckles, I went on with my routine to get ready. Thankfully, this time my chore has nothing to do with the tedious process of making breakfast, but instead I was given the task of delivering supplies to the mess tent. I took the thin wooden crate and began carrying it to my destination. It looked heavier than it is, but I'd still prefer to leave tasks like this to my servants.

After making my way out of the cramped alleys of the array of tents, I emerged into the main road and once again, heard the voice of (Y/N) yelling out generic newsboy catchphrases. Seeing as the only good thing that happens is being able to see him, I strayed from my directive for a short while and went to the source of the voice which has oddly stopped for more than a few seconds.

Once I reached his position, I saw (Y/N) talking to Freckles. They looked to be having fun. As I approach, their conversation ceased and their eyes fell upon me.

(Y/N) "Ah! There you are, 'Smiles'."

I jolted and ended up blushing when I saw (Y/N) and Freckles both giggle upon mentioning my stage name. I swear, (Y/N) when this is over...

Freckles "Hey, whatchu got there?"

Ciel "O-oh this? I was gonna deliver it to the mess tent, I guess I got a bit out of track."

Freckles "Hm? Oh, it's just napkins, it's fine, you can deliver them later. More importantly, I had no idea you two knew each other!"

My heart sank and my eyes widened. I darted my gaze towards the boy in question who wore his ever-present smile so casually despite the mention that he might have just ruined our chances of getting anything out of this. Has (Y/N) been giving away information about me...? Exactly what did he tell Freckles?! If they knew anything about my true station, or even my name, this entire mission is over!

Ciel "Uh F-freckles, listen! What (Y/N) said may not be fully true, I'm not-"

Freckles "So you grew up in the same orphanage!"


Ciel "Huh?"

Freckles "You two grew up together in an orphanage after both your parents passed away. Sorry for your losses, but why exactly did you split up?"

(Y/N) "Well, he ended up getting a job as a servant for a lord, meanwhile I was rejected so I ended up being a newsboy. The only way I could get into contact with him is by sending letters, but even then, It's hard to communicate as his master is harsh."

Freckles "Really? What's he like."

(Y/N) "Cold, stoic, vengeful, and bitter."


Freckles "Sounds like a horrible man."

A small pause broke up their string of conversation. I looked down as I felt my heart sink deeper and deeper at (Y/N)'s words... He didn't call me out by name but I know that he was referring to me. Upon reflection, they were all true. And these were the qualities I feared would drive (Y/N) away...

Freckles "Well, I'm gonna go do my chores. Smiles, you have training after breakfast but then you have lunch and the rest of the day to yourself. Bye, you two!"

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