Chapter XVII: Dark Hallway

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Ciel's POV

I saw (Y/N) walk down a bit before stopping and looking at me. I don't know what im getting myself into but im not letting him go alone.

He offered me his hand and i slowly took it as he lead me down the spiraling staircase.

Only a few steps down and i feel... cold. My breath starts to become visible and i can feel myself shivering slightly. Not only that, the further down we go, the more i sense something crawling under my skin and making my hair stood on end. All sounds seem to stop, only the taps of our shoes on the staircases.

Im not sure how long it took but we finally made it down. A long and dark hallway stands in front of us. (Y/N) looked at me concerned.

(Y/N) "Ciel. You remember what i said before we went down here?"

Ciel "don't listen to the voices."

(Y/N) "good."

He then started walking and pulling my hand again so i followed as i walked next to him.


It was then i hear something. Feel something. A darkness lingering at the edges of my mind. Something in here is making me more unnerved than i've ever been before...


As we got farther, the voices became clearer.

"Don't trust him..."

Don't trust (Y/N)?

"He's not who he claims to be..."

"He'll kill you too... just like he killed us..."

Don't listen to them, Ciel.

"Don't trust him..."

"Don't trust him..."

"Don't trust him..."

The voices kept repeating those words as they swirled in my head. I brought my free hand to my forehead.

Ciel "shut up..."

"He'll kill you..."

"He'll kill you..."

"He'll kill you..."

Ciel "i said shut up...!"

"Don't trust him..."

"Don't trust him..."

"Don't trust him..."

Ciel "he's my friend...! Shut the hell up!"


The voice screamed from behind me as i let go of (Y/N)'s hand and pulled out my gun, shooting behind me.

The bullet flew, lighting the place up for a split second and traveling down the corridor. The voice stopped but i feel lightheaded.

(Y/N) "Ciel!"

I took a few steps backwards as my vision became blurry and my legs weak. I feel arms wrap around my torso and held me up. Slowly looking behind me i saw a blurry image of (Y/N) looking at me.

His voice became an echo as my vision spun and darkened. In the end, i shut my eyes, with my last words before succumbing into darkness is his name.

Ciel "(Y/N)...."



My eyes shot open only to see a familiar ceiling. Im in my room? Looking to my side, i saw a hand on top of mine, looking at it's owner, i saw (Y/N) sitting on a chair with his head aimed down at a book of sorts. Behind him was Alois also asleep on the couch.

He seemed to be so focused on his book that he didn't even notice i was awake yet. Pushing myself up and resting myself on my elbow, (Y/N) gasped and before i knew it, i was pulled into a hug.

(Y/N) "Ciel! You're awake! Im so sorry i brought you to that place, i should have just done it alone!"

I raised a hand and slowly pat his back.

Ciel "it's okay... i wouldn't have let you go alone anyway... i care for you too much risk losing you..."

(Y/N) seemed to have jolted a bit and i finally realized what i said.

I felt heat rush to my face but i couldn't say anything else in my defence. (Y/N) slowly pulled back and looked at me completely shocked.

(Y/N) "wow. I never expected that coming from you." He had a smug smile on his face with an eyebrow raised. All i could do was blush and spout out minced words as i didn't know what to say nor did know if i could say anything.

(Y/N) laughed and just got back to hugging me.

(Y/N) "we'll talk about that one later. For now, im just glad you're okay..."

I smiled warmly. For once, it's nice to feel like you're wanted by someone...

Ciel "yeah..."

I rested my head on his shoulder and let (Y/N) have all the hugs he wants. He feels... warm...

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