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Caroline's POV
     I woke up, and Rebekah was already up and dressed. I said, " Morning."

  Rebekah smiled, and said, " Hey, sleepy. Mother wants our help with dinner."

  I said, " Alright."

  She left, and I got up. I put on a teal dress, and walked out into the kitchen. Esther was there, along with Rebekah. I said, " What did you need help with, Esther?"

  She smiled, and said, " Could you go get some berries for me?"

  I said, " Sure."

I grabbed a basket, and walked out of the hut. I walked into the woods, and picked some berries.

  I was walking back to the village, when someone grabbed my shoulders, and I jumped and screamed.

  I turned around, and there was Kol laughing. I said, " Kol!"

  Luckily, I didn't spill any of the berries. I said, " Why did you do that?"

  He said, " It's funny."

  I said, " Whatever."

  I walked off, and he caught up to me, and said, " I'm sorry, darling."

  I said, " Okay. Why aren't you doing your chores?"

  He said, " When do I ever do my chores?"

  I laughed. He said, " I seen you picking berries, and thought it would be fun to scare you."

  I said, " You're lucky I didn't spill any of the berries. Your mother would've killed me."

  Kol said, " My mother loves you. She would never."

  We continued to talk, as we walked into the village. Kol had seen Henrik, and went over to scare him. I shook my head, and walked into the hut. I gave Esther the berries, and she said, " Thank you, dear. You can go."

  I said, " You don't need any help?"

  She smiled, and said, " No."

  I nodded, and walked out of the hut. Henrik, and Kol walked over to me. I said, " Henrik. Did Kol scare you again?"

   Henrik said, " Yes."

  Kol shrugged and said, " Want to go find Niklaus?"

   Henrik said, " He's right there."

  Henrik pointed to where Niklaus is. Niklaus, and Elijah were sword fighting. We watched them sword fight. Soon, Niklaus had his sword pointed at Elijahs chest. They laughed.

    Mikael had seen this and said, " Want to show me how to have fun?! Huh?! BOY!!"

   Mikael took Elijah's sword, and started hitting Niklaus's sword. He pushed Niklaus to the ground. I ran over, and laid over Niklaus, before Mikael did anything to Niklaus.

  I said, " Stop."

   Mikael said, " You're lucky, Boy!"

   He threw the sword down, and walked away. I got off Niklaus, and held my hand out for him. He said, " You shouldn't of did that, Caroline."

  He took my hand, and stood up. He let go do my hand. I said, " I wasn't going to let him hurt you, Niklaus."

  He said, " My father tends to take his anger out on me, and whoever intervenes."

I said, " Why does Mikael hate you so much?"

    He said, " I don't know. It's the way it's always been."

   I nodded. Henrik walked over, and hugged Niklaus. He said, " I was worried he was going to hurt you."

  Niklaus said, " It doesn't matter, Henrik. I'm fine."

  Henrik said, " Thanks to Caroline. She saved you from getting hurt."

    Niklaus looked at me, and said, " Yes, she did."

   I smiled, and said, " Dinner should be done. Let's go, Henrik."

  Henrik nodded, and ran to the house. Niklaus and I laughed and followed after him. We sat down and ate dinner, with everyone.

It was night time, and everyone went to bed. Rebekah, and I were in our room, talking. Soon, someone knocked on the door, and I opened it. It was Henrik. I said, " Henrik. Are you alright?"

  He said, " I had a nightmare."

  I said, " Come in."

   He walked into the room, and sat on my cot. I closed the door, and said, " What was it about?"

  Henrik said, " I was sitting in the woods, and there was wolves surrounding me. Then they growled, and lunged to me."

  I hugged him, and said, " It was just a dream, Henrik."

   Henrik nodded, and said, " Can I sleep in here?"

  I said, " Sure. You can take my cot."

  He laid down, and I covered him with the bear skin. He soon fell asleep. I laid down on the ground, and Rebekah had given me an extra pillow. I soon fell asleep.

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