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Caroline's POV
Someone said, " Caroline. I thought you were dead."

I turned around and seen someone I never thought I would see again. I said, " I thought you were dead."

She had a confused look on her face. I sped over to her, and hugged her. I said, " Rebekah, I missed you. How are you alive right now?"

She said, " I should be asking you the same thing. Father came and told us he killed you, so we ran."

I said, " He told me he killed all of you. He killed Finn in front of me."

She said, " We didn't think you were still alive. If we did, we would've came and got you."

Then realization set in, Mikael. I said, " You can't be in this town."

She said, " Why not?"

I said, " There's a lot you don't know. You see Mikael is alive and he is out of town right now, but he will be back."

She said, " He's been keeping you, for a thousand years."

I said, " Yeah. I've tried running away, but I couldn't get too far, until he caught me. He had a linking spell put on us, so if anything happens to him, it happens to me. I begged him to kill me, but he wouldn't. It's like he knew something I didn't. I couldn't figure it out, till now. He knew you were alive."

She said, " It's not just me. Kol, Elijah and Niklaus are also alive."

Niklaus just hearing his name, gives me tears. I said, " You all must leave at once."

She said, " No. We are not leaving."

I said, " Why not?"

I then, came to my own conclusions. I said, " You compelled Stefan and Damon to hunt for the Petrova doppelganger. Why are yous interested in her?"

She said, " So, you know about her too?"

I said, " Know her? I'm her friend, Mikael also told me to protect her."

She nodded. Stefan said, " Who are you?"

Rebekah went over to Stefan and compelled him, then compelled Damon about this whole encounter, tonight. Rebekah said, " Come with me, Caroline. Nik will be thrilled to know you are alive."

  I said, " If Mikael finds out, he will kill me, or any of yous."

  Her face dropped, and said, " So, you don't want to see Nik?"

  I said, " I do, Rebekah. I just don't want him to get hurt because of me."

   She said, " You said, Father is out of town, so he shouldn't find out."

  I said, " Alright."

  She smiled, and we flashed out of the Salvatore house, and sped to her house. We were outside on the porch.

I said, " How is he?"

She said, " He is a mess. He's killed thousands because he couldn't handle not being with you."

I nodded, and took a deep breath. Rebekah opened the front door, and we walked inside the foyer. There was a grand piano in the foyer, and two grand staircases. Rebekah yelled, " Nik!! Elijah!! Kol!! Get down here!"

   A second later, all three of them sped to the foyer. Each had a shocked expression on their faces. Elijah is the first to speak, and he said, " Caroline. How are you here?"

  I said, " Mikael took me. I've tried to run away, but he kept catching me. He ended up putting a linking spell on me, so whatever happens, happens to both of us."

   Elijah came over, and hugged me. Kol smirked and said, " We missed you, darling."

  He hugged me, and I said, " Is that grey hair, Kol?"

  He looked in the mirror on the wall, and I laughed. He said, " Haha."

  I looked at Niklaus, and he didn't say anything. He just stood there with those deep ocean blue eyes. He looked as handsome as ever. He had cut his hair, and his hair is short, but you can still see the curls. He had stubble on his chin.

    Rebekah said, " Nik. Are you going to say anything?"

  He just kept his eyes on me. I was soon being lifted up in his arms. He hugged me, and my feet are off the ground. He twirled me around in his arms, and I laughed. He put me back on the ground, and kissed my lips. I haven't been this happy in forever. I never thought I would be able to be in his arms, and have our lips connected like this.

   After about ten minutes, we pulled away. He smiled, and said, " I missed you, my love."

  I said, " I missed you, too."

  Kol said, " Can we go to the living room and catch up, or do the rest of us need ear plugs?"

   I laughed. We walked to the living room, and sat down. Niklaus didn't let me go, and had me sit on his lap. Kol said, " So, Caroline where is father?"

  I said, " He's out of town, right now."

Elijah said, " We missed you. All of us, did."

  I said, " I missed you, all. Mikael had told me you all were dead. He had killed Finn in front of me."

  My phone rang, and I looked at it. It read, ' Mikael.'  I said, " I have to take this."

  Niklaus said, " Ignore it, love."

  I said, " I'm sorry, but I have to take it."

  I pecked his cheek, and got off his lap. I walked outside on the porch, and answered the phone. I said, " Yes, Mikael."

  He said, " What took so long to answer the phone?"

  I said, " I just got out of the shower. So excuse me, if it took a couple of seconds to answer your damn call."

   He said, " How come I just woke up from being dead?"

  I said, " There is these two new vampires in town, and they ambushed me. They had vervain darts, wooden bullets, and staked me in the heart."

  He huffed and said, " Deal with them."

  I said, " Already dealt with. Anything else?"

  He said, " I will be back in town next week."

  I hung up the phone, and sighed. I walked back inside, and sat down beside Niklaus. I said, " Mikael is coming back in town next week."

  Elijah said, " You are not going back to him."

  I said, " There's no other way. He will kill me, if I don't be at home, when he gets there. He may be an ass, but he has never laid a hand on me. We are linked together, anyway, so even if I don't want to go back, I have to. He will stab the white oak stake in his heart, just to kill me."

  Niklaus said, " I'm sorry, you had to deal with him for a thousand years."

  I said, " He's not that bad."

  They nodded. We caught up for the next two hours.

   Two hours later, Niklaus had grabbed my hand, and led me upstairs, to the third floor. I said, " Niklaus, where are you taking me?"

  He opened the door, and we walked inside. It was his room. He closed the door, and said, " I just wanted to have you alone."

    He kissed my lips, and I kissed back. He picked me up, and led me to the bed. He sat me down, and I took off his shirt. I am marveled by his god like physique, his muscles, and he has a bird feather tattoo. It's not the first time, I seen him without a shirt, but it's the first time we are ever going to sleep together. He kissed my neck, and things got heated from there.

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