Mikaelson Ball

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Caroline's POV
I woke up, and felt someone's arm around my waist. I then remembered the night before. Finding out Kol, Rebekah, Elijah, and Niklaus are alive. Catching up with them. Niklaus taking me to his room, and having most amazing first night we ever slept together.

I turned around, and seen he is asleep. I let my fingers trace his chest, and his tattoo on his left shoulder. I then admired his face, and I can't believe I get to have him, again. I missed him, dearly.

I felt him move, and his eyes are closed. I said, " I know you're awake."

He said, " Nope. Definitely not awake."

I laughed, and lightly hit his chest. He opened his eyes, and said, " I missed you."

I said, " I missed you, too."

He said, " Did Rebekah tell you?"

I said, " That you killed thousands."

He said, " Yeah. I didn't think you ever look at me if you found out."

I said, " I killed hundreds, so trust me. I just never thought I would see you again, I thought you would've hated me because I killed innocent people."

He said, " I killed thousands because they were happy. I couldn't ever be happy without you. I tried to kill myself, but of course I can't die."

  I wiped the tears that fell onto his cheeks, with my thumb. I said, " I know we have been apart for a thousand years, and we both changed. That doesn't change my feelings for you. I love you, Niklaus."
  He said, " I love you, Caroline."

He kissed my lips, and things got heated quickly. I straddled his lap, and pinned his arms above his head. He smirked, and I kissed down his neck. The door to the room flung open, and I collapsed on the bed, pulled the sheet up to cover us. It is Rebekah at the doorway.

Niklaus said, " Rebekah, get out."

Rebekah said, " No. Caroline and I are going shopping today for the ball tonight."

I said, " What ball?"

Niklaus said, " We are throwing a ball tonight. It's mostly an excuse to get the doppelgänger."

Rebekah said, " Ten minutes and be downstairs."

I nodded, and she left the room. I said, " Why do you want Elena?"

He said, " It's to break the curse, that mother out on me. She binded me, and the only way to undo it is to have a sacrifice. A vampire, a wolf, and the doppelgänger. Mother had used Tatia's blood in the spell she used to turn us into vampires, and the spell she used to bind my werewolf side."

I put my hand on his cheek, and said, " I'm supposed to be protecting her. Mikael wants her protected, but I'm guessing that he wants her to be kept away from you."

He said, " Mikael always did have the tendency to try and beat me."

I got out of bed, and put on my clothes from last night. I put on my boots, and tried to tame my hair. I soon just sighed, and pulled it into a pony tail. Niklaus is pulling his shirt over him, and then he came over to me. He kissed my lips, and we walked out of the room, and downstairs. In the foyer, Rebekah is standing.

She said, " Ready?"

I said, " Yeah. We have to stop at my place, so I can get changed."

She nodded. I kissed Niklaus, and then walked out the door with Rebekah. We went to her car, which is a red mustang. We got in, and drove to my house, I had given her the directions. She parked the car, and we walked inside my house. I said, " If you want any blood, it's in the fridge."

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