Full Moon

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Caroline's POV
It has been a year, and everything is great. I have my own home, now. Niklaus and I are happy together. Henrik comes over with Rebekah, Kol and Elijah. Tonight is a full moon, which means we have to go to the caves tonight.

Anyway, I woke up, and put on my pink dress, and braided my hair. I walked out of my room, and grabbed a basket. I opened the door, and there was Niklaus, and Henrik.

I said, " Henrik. Niklaus. What are you doing here?"

Henrik said, " Niklaus was already on his way over, and I had followed him."

I lightly laughed. Niklaus said, " Where are you off to?"

I said, " I'm going to pick some berries. Want to join me?"

Henrik said, " yes."

Niklaus nodded and we walked down the pathway, and into the woods. Henrik said, " Caroline, are you going to walk with us to the caves?"

I said, " Yeah. I always do. Why did you think I wouldnt?"

Henrik said, " Father told me that you might not always be with us in the caves."

I ruffled Henriks hair, and Said, " Don't listen to him."

Henrik smiled, and helped put berries into the basket.

We finished picking berries and walked back to my hut. Henrik had helped me with dinner. Niklaus just watched us cook and helped every now and then.

We ate dinner, and then started walking towards their hut. We walked into the village, and into their home. Esther smiled and said, " Caroline. I hope these two didn't cause any trouble?"

I said, " No, they didn't. They were quite helpful."

She nodded. Everyone walked out of the hut and into the woods. Niklaus and I were behind everyone. He held my hand, and kissed my cheek.

We continued to walk. He whispered in my ear, and said, " You're beautiful."

I blushed. He has been always whispering sweet nothings into my ear. He's so sweet.

I looked at where Henrik was, and I didn't see him. I said, " Where's Henrik?"

Niklaus looked at where everyone is, and we didn't see him. Niklaus had a very worried look on his face, and started walking towards the village, and I followed him.

We checked the hut, and he isn't there. We checked all over the village and nothing. I said, " I wonder if he went to the lake by my home."

Niklaus said, " You go check there, and I will go check the clearing in the woods. If he isn't there, stay inside. The wolves will be out any minute now."

I nodded, and went into the woods and to my home. I heard howls, great. I looked all over the land and nothing. I didn't feel like waiting inside, while Niklaus and Henrik is out there. So, I went to the clearing only to find Niklaus cradling Henriks dead body.

I let out a sob, and put my hand on Niklaus's back.

After a while, I said, " Niklaus, we must go. The wolves are already out."

Niklaus nodded, and picked up Henriks body. I heard a growl and looked behind him. There was a wolf. I said, " Run."

Niklaus seen the wolf, and we ran as fast as we could. The caves were farther away, so we went to my hut, and stayed inside.

Soon, it is morning. Niklaus picked up Henriks body and we ran into the village. I said, " Esther! Mikael!"

They came from their hut, and Niklaus laid Henriks body on the ground. Esther came over and hugged Henrik. Mikael put his hand on Esther's back.

Soon, Rebekah, Elijah, Kol and Finn came over, and cried. I hugged Niklaus as he is crying. I cried, into his shoulder.

Esther begged Ayana to try anything, but she couldn't bring Henrik back.

We soon held a burial for Henrik, and shared what we loved most about him.

I stayed till after sundown, and helped Esther prepare dinner. We ate, then Niklaus has insisted on walking me home. I thought he would've wanted more time with his family, but he insisted.

As we walked towards the woods, we heard screaming coming from the hut. We turned around and ran to the hut. We walked in, and there was blood everywhere. Rebekah, Finn, Elijah, and Kol were dead.

Standing there is Mikael with a sword and walking towards me. Niklaus stood in front of me, and said, " Father. Stop this madness."

Mikael sneered, and jabbed his sword through Niklaus. Niklaus fell against me, and I helped him to the ground.

His eyes have tears and he said, " I love..."

He took his last breath, and didn't finish what he wanted to say. I knew what he wanted to say.

I sobbed. Then I felt Mikael jab his sword threw me, and I screamed. I fell onto Niklaus, and then everything went black.

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