Chapter 10

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                                                                              Amane-kun (POV)

"I don't want anything from you, but I at least expected you to turn me down in a lot kinder way." My bottom lip began to tremble as I continued on. "You know what, I'm sorry I mistook all of our late night talks, laughs, and all the times we spent together for you actually caring for me. This was all just a joke to you wasn't it? You don't care do you?! Did none of it mean anything to you?!" I had to take a moment to calm down so I wouldn't lose my anger. "I guess I'm just upset because I really like you, but you know I just got slapped with the reality that you don't like me at all and never had, that I'll never be able to call you mine and it isn't a big deal to you at all. My biggest mistake wasn't falling for you, no. It was believing you had fallen for me too." I choked as tears rolled down my face. I left the bakery not looking back to see her face, in fear that she would be standing behind me with no emotion on her face what so ever.

"Amane! Wait!" Kou shouted, running after me. I felt anger overcome me when I heard his voice. I turned around and pointed at him aggressively. 

"You!" I said, making him stop in his tracks. "You knew that they were there and didn't tell me! You lied to me!" 

"Well what was I supposed to say 'hey Amane, just wanted to let you know Yashiro is on a date with my brother'? Even if I did tell you, this still would have happened. You would've still stormed in there and got in a fight with Yashiro anyway. And in case you hadn't noticed, you aren't the only one whose hurting right now. I think you have seemed to forget the fact that I like her too and that it hurts to see her with Teru just as much as it hurts you. Actually if I'm being honest it hurts even more because he's my brother. My own brother!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't think about how this effected you as well." I said looking down. 

"Hey man, it's okay I just....- I've learned that she only thinks of me as a friend and that I have to respect that. I'd rather be her friend then not be anything to her at all. Anyway I should be the one apologizing, I just made this whole situation about me when you just got your heartbroken."

"Kou you have feelings too and they are valid, and in a way you got your heartbroken too." I said. He then unexpectedly gave me a hug. He walked me back to Nene-chan's house just to make sure I'd be fine and then left. I went to my room and laid on my bed and broke out into tears.

Day 7

                                                                     Amane-Kun (POV) continued

"Hey Amane. Amane............Amane!" A male voice started to say.

"What?" I asked snapping back to reality. I looked around to see tons of kids from a range of ages all eating, talking, and having a good time. 'So it's already lunch.' I thought to myself. 

"You've been spacing out all day, are you okay?" Kou asked concerned.

"Yeah, just tired that's all." I lied.

"Okay, well I was going to say I invited Akane-kun and Lemon to eat lunch with us."


"Oh there they are!" Kou said excited. I looked up to see both Akane and Lemon walking our way.  

"Hey." Akane said to me as he sat down across from me. Lemon then sat down next to him.

"Hey." I mumbled. 

"So how have you been you know since yesterday?" He asked. 'Of course Kou told them about yesterday.'

"I've been good."

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