Chapter 11

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                                                                               Nene-Chan (POV)

'What? Did he just say he doesn't know who I am? This has got to be some kind of sick joke he's playing, there's no way he could have forgotten me right?!'

"Very funny Amane-kun but you shouldn't joke around about those kinds of things." I sternly told him.

"I'm sorry but I really don't know who you are." Amane-kun replied.

"Ok you had your fun now stop, it's not funny."

"Sempai I don't think he's joking..." Kou-kun said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"He has to be! He couldn't have forgotten us all." I shouted as I shoved Kou-kun's hand off.

"Um actually, I know who everyone in this room is except you." Amane-kun said sheepishly.

"There's no way that's true! Who's that?" I asked pointing to Aoi.


"Okay...who's that?"


"And them?"

"Those are Mrs. and Mr. Yashiro."

"You remember my parents but not me?!" I yelled.

"Sweetheart calm down..."

"How can I calm down when he remembers everyone but me?!"

"Hey Nene, why don't we head outside for a bit? I think you need some fresh air." Aoi calmly suggested. I followed her outside of the hospital room and into the hallway.

"Hey, are you alright?" Aoi asked.

"No, how could I be? He doesn't remember me."

"It's going to be just fine, okay? Just breathe in and out." I looked at her skeptically. "Just do it for me please." She begged. I sighed and started to slowly breathe in and out. Surprisingly it did calm me down a bit.

"Are you good now?"

"Yeah, but why doesn't he remember me?"

"I don't know, but he will eventually. Just give him time , he just woke up, plus it's probably just as stressful for him as well."


"Well he fainted last night and then just recently woke up in a hospital to a random girl he doesn't know yelling in his face asking why he doesn't remember her."

"I probably shouldn't have reacted the way I did, should I?" I laughed realizing how stupid I was acting.

"Yeah, but we understand why you acted the way you did, your crush doesn't remember who you are."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"'ve finally accepted the fact you like him?!"

"Umm, well I haven't exactly told you yet since he fainted last night, but I uh might have told him I liked him and went on a nervous tangent about why I like him and how I don't want to be just friends with him, and he might have kissed me and told me he felt the same....."

"Who are you and what have you done with the real Nene?!" Aoi asked shocked. She grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me aggressively.

"I am the real Nene, and stop shaking me I'm getting dizzy!"

"Ok, but for real though, you actually confessed to him?" She asked as she took her hands off of me.


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