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Zee stared outside his office window, watching the rain fall hard in the afternoon. Minutes passed as he zoned out, lost in thought. He shook his head and decided to head to the office bathroom to splash cold water on his face, hoping to clear his mind. Memories of that rainy night with his ex-boyfriend, Saint, surfaced. They had a huge fight over a house Zee had bought without consulting Saint, which led to their breakup. Zee had intended it as a surprise, planning to propose to Saint in the new house. However, Saint was unaware of Zee's intentions. All he saw was a huge, luxurious house that he felt was impractical for just the two of them. To him, it was a waste of money—they would have been better off with a smaller place.

Saint warned Zee that if he didn't sell the house, he would move out and leave Zee alone in the condo they had shared since they became boyfriends. Zee insisted on keeping the house, arguing that he had spent too much money on it and that it was beautiful and perfect for them. Frustrated, Saint stormed out of the bedroom and went to sleep on the couch, leaving Zee alone in the bedroom.

Zee woke up to an empty living room. His heart sank as he rushed to check Saint's cabinet, only to find it half empty. Some of Saint's clothes were gone, and his luggage was nowhere to be found. On the bedside table, Zee saw a small note that read, "Take care, Zee."

Zee sobbed so hard he could barely breathe. With trembling hands, he tried calling Saint's number, but it went straight to voicemail. Feeling lost and desperate, he sank to the floor, knees to his chest, crying uncontrollably. He couldn't understand what was so wrong about buying a house for his boyfriend—his soon-to-be husband. His plans, once so full of hope and love, now felt like a crumpled paper thrown in the trash.

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