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"can i get two scoops of vanilla in a cup, please?" seungmin ordered at the counter and waited for the employee to dish it.

after getting his ice cream, seungmin made his way to the table jisung was sitting at.

"what kind did you get?" the older asked.

"just vanilla. you?" seungmin said with a bland expression.

"vanilla with cheesecake bites!" jisung bubbled.

seungmin nodded in respond before looking down at his food. an awkward silence filled the air as they both started eating.

jisung decided to break it trying to reassure seungmin about the whole situation.

"hey, i know i suddenly came out of nowhere and minho is one of your best friends. trust me though, i'm not trying to replace you or get between you guys."

"i wasn't planning on letting you get between us."

"right. can we be cool now? i know you don't like me very much, but it'd be better if we were friends."

"i guess we're cool. just don't ever hurt minho. and i mean ever."

"yes sir!" jisung joked acting like he was taking a command.

and for the first time, jisung and seungmin both smiled together.

not proofread!! i'll try longer updates in the future, but school is ending soon so i'm focusing on that!!

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