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annoying bsf
[movie name] at 8:30 this saturday :)

mong mong
ill be ready by 8:00

annoying bsf
who said i was picking you up?

mong mong
i did :)

annoying bsf
i regret this already

mong mong
why do i feel like that's a lie

annoying bsf
because it is one


"who are you texting, love?" hyunjin said as he watched his boyfriend smile at his phone.

"minho-hyung, we're going to see a movie this weekend." seungmin said as he locked his phone and set it on the table.

"oh? are the others going too?" the uneasy feeling made its way back to hyunjin's stomach as he waited for the younger's response.

"ah, no just me and him. he already bought the tickets so.."

hyunjin wrapped his arms around seungmin's waist and pulled him in closer. 'don't go, don't go', the phrase kept repeating inside hyunjin's insecure mind.

instead of commenting on the matter, hyunjin decided to nestle his face into seungmin's neck. it was so comforting and cozy he could almost fall asleep. giggles erupted from seungmin causing hyunjin to raise his head out of curiosity.

"hey! what's so funny, huh?" giggles coming from the older now, seungmin's laughter contagious.

"as much as i love your long hair, it tickles."

"it tickles, huh? wanna know what else tickles?" hyunjin said with a mischievous smirk as he moved his arms from the sweet embrace.

seungmin didn't have time to protest before he felt hyunjin's fingers wandering his body, in a not-so-sexy way. seungmin couldn't stop laughing as he tried to swat hyunjin's hands away. hyunjin was laughing just as much despite being the one tickling, not the one being tickled.

"i swear i will never kiss you again! try me bitch!" seungmin yelled through his chuckling and thrashing.

hyunjin lifted his hands into the air in surrender, but the bright smile never left his face.

"as much as i love how ticklish you are, i can't live without kisses."

"hmmm", seungmin stood up and grabbed his things from the table before grinning, "that's unfortunate, really. because... still no more kisses for you!" seungmin stuck his tongue out and ran out of the apartment to head home to work on a project.

hyunjin just smiled as he heard the front door close, happiness still running through his veins. he hated the thought of him hanging out with their friend, seungmin doesn't see it, but hyunjin does. the look in minho's eyes, the feelings, and intentions behind minho's words and actions.

seungmin is his.


"tch, took you long enough." minho complained from the driver's seat as seungmin entered.

"it's literally 8:04, shut the fuck up." seungmin said in his typical "i tolerate you, i do not like you" tone.

"shut me up." minho challenged as soon as seungmin shut the door.

seungmin looked over with slightly widened eyes before looking away with a scoff.

"you're gross, just drive dumbass."

minho smiled as he starting driving toward the movie theater. seungmin turned on the radio and quietly played some music. minho heard him humming along, and boy did minho love hearing seungmin sing.

"you know i meant it the other day, right? you always sound amazing, your voice is so pretty." minho said, focusing on his gaze on the road in hopes seungmin wouldn't see the shyness on his face.

seungmin felt heat rise to his cheeks and his heart squeezed. pretty. minho thinks his voice is pretty. hyunjin had said almost the exact same thing earlier, but this was different.

everything was different with minho. seungmin couldn't deny that anymore, though he is still trying to decipher what that means.


"our seats are over here." minho said, doing his best to not spill the popcorn the workers had generously filled to the brim.

"i call the one next to the wall." seungmin said as he rushed to the spot, the ice in the drinks clinking together.

"you're so childish." there was no ill intent behind the older's words of course, it was cute seeing this side of seungmin.

"someone's upset they didn't get the better seat."

minho rolled his eyes in response as he finally sat down. the movie was playing previews, the actual movie playing in a matter of minutes.

seungmin kept reaching over to take a few pieces of popcorn at a time. his arm kept hitting minho's drink by accident, and it didn't both minho but it must make it difficult for the younger.

"hold on." minho said as he picked up his drink and moved it to his left side. he lifted the cup-holder partition that was between them, opening up the space. the popcorn got put between them.

"thank you, hyung."

minho hummed in response to seungmin as the movie began. throughout the movie he heard seungmin giggling along with the audience; it took everything within him to not look over (if he did sneak a glance or two, he won't admit it).

it only took them half the movie to finish their popcorn, though none of them bothered to leave the movie to get it refilled. minho did, however, bother to move the container from the middle. it found a new spot in the empty seat next to him.

a few minutes passed when seungmin felt something grab his hand, immediately looking over at minho. the older continued looking at the screen as he held seungmin's hand on his lap. seungmin looked at his perfect angular side profile. minho was so beautiful. seungmin thought people like this only exist in magazines.

seungmin looked back at the screen and tried to not let his mind wander too much. minho tried to do the same, nerves still present from making a move on his best friend.

many moments passed once again as they both kept their eyes glued to the screen. minho's breath hitched as he felt seungmin moving his hand. his head started buzzing with negative thoughts. he looked over at seungmin, fully ready to apologize until he felt the younger lace their fingers together.

it was minho's turn to become flustered as he quickly moved his eyes back to the movie, which was the last thing in his mind. a small smile made its way to his face, not knowing the younger shared the same expression.

seungmin's heart was racing. everything is different with minho, and he knows exactly why.

a/n: not seungmin FINALLY admitting it to himself

this chapter was only supposed to be 500ish words,,, 1000+ words later..hope y'all don't mind lmfao

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