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"i'm not a big reader, but i suppose i would still like you." said minho as he turned his head to look at the younger next to him.

minho expected seungmin to immediately roll his eyes and ignore him or at least give him an annoyed scoff. however, that thought was immediately lost when he saw seungmin nervously glance at him before quickly looking back at the screen.

seungmin wished the room would've been a bit darker, but there was no such luck. the light from the tv only helped showcase the growing blush on his cheeks.

minho did his best to play it off, clearing his throat and sniffling, but he's not sure if that made it better or worse. they both silently continued to watch the movie, seungmin's mind thinking a million thoughts a second.

he knew they were more than friends, hell, he can't remember the last time they were completely platonic. however, minho's words hit him like a truck with how real it made it feel.

minho likes him. seungmin likes minho. they're not dating when they very much could be far into a relationship by now. he's not complaining about what they have right now at all, it's amazing. there's no pressure from either side but they're there for each other no matter what.

minutes pass before seungmin mutters out a small confession,

"i would too."

the words are simple and it's an easy thought but it means the world. minho already knows what he means but he needs to hear seungmin explain it, blame him for wanting reassurance sometimes.

"what do you mean?" minho asked as he nervously chewed his lip. his heart raced waiting for the younger's response.

"i would still like you too. even though i feel like your pages would be empty, just like your brain." seungmin said before quietly giggling and reaching up to knock his knuckles on minho's forehead.

minho laughed but he couldn't take his eyes off seungmin, his heart feeling so full, almost too full. his emotions could flow out at any second. how they flow out? there's a multitude of ways but minho decided on what he thinks is the best option.

"can i kiss you?" minho breathlessly asks, his pulse through the roof as he stares at seungmin's parted lips.

they both pause for a few seconds. the tension in the air is so thick it almost feels like a physical occurrence, but before he knows it seungmin is leaning in. their lips crash together, hot fire running through their veins as they finally connect so intimately. seungmin crawls his way into minho's lap, his legs straddling his hips.

they pull away for a second, their breaths mingling in the small space between their faces. seungmin's eyes are glazed over with passion and want. they've both been wanting this, for too long. seungmin's slender fingers find their way onto the back of minho's head, gripping the hair there gently. he leans back in, head tilted to allow for a deeper kiss.

minho gasps when he feels a tug on his hair, seungmin's tongue entering his mouth to explore the sweetness that is minho. minho's hands hold seungmin's waist firmly as they continue to passionately make out.

after a while longer, it could be five or thirty who knows, they part. minho pecks seungmin's nose before breaking out into a smile. the younger giggles before they just take each other's faces in. their lips are red and their eyes are sparkling. it's everything they wanted but didn't know they needed.

as they're gazing at each other they hear the movie start playing music in the background. without a second thought they burst into song while simultaneously laughing their asses off.

"don't go breaking my heart~" seungmin sang as he shook minho's shoulders.

minho continued the best he could, his body shaking making his voice come out as vibrations.

"i couldn't if i trieddd"

they continued to sing and laugh, eventually finding themselves laying down on the couch as the movie came to a close. they held each other close as minho moved the hair away from seungmin's face. he kept his hand on his cheek before leaving a short kiss on seungmin's forehead.

they were both tired, voices shot and lips chapped. they knew what they were, they just needed to talk about it, say it. seungmin's eyes were fluttering shut, his tiredness coming back once again. it could wait a few hours, the moment was too still and quiet.

"goodnight lovely," minho whispered before shutting his own eyes too.

in the quiet night, the room now dark, they drifted off to sleep, together.

a/n: not proofread! check out my new minsung story if you want!

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