thirty-three, end.

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Seungmin's eyes slowly opened themselves as he felt the bright sunlight hit his face. His body was warm and cushioned, his heart relaxed and soft. After a few blinks to shed off the grogginess, his gaze fell onto the boy next to him still sound asleep.

Minho's long eyelashes beautifully fanned across his cheeks complimenting his dewy skin with slight texture. His lips were stuck in a pout, parted just enough to allow him to let out quiet breaths. Seungmin giggled as he looked at his head of hair, clearly rustled and messy showing how deeply he slept.

Seungmin's attention shifted to the rest of his body. Minho's arm was wrapped around Seungmin's waist with a light grip. His fingers mindlessly dug into the younger's plush skin as he dreamed, probably about his cats. Maybe Seungmin hoped Minho was dreaming about him too.

Within a few minutes of Seungmin resting his eyes and allowing his heart to be fond, he felt the older boy's body begin to shift. Lifting his head, Seungmin was met with Minho's sparkly eyes and a tired smile.

"Did you sleep well, darling?" Minho lazily asked, his voice deep and rough from just waking up. Seungmin's chest panged at the sound of it.

"Mm," Seungmin quietly confirmed. "Did you?"

Minho laughed before leaning forward to leave a light kiss on his forehead. Seungmin leaned into it with a content smile. He really thinks he could get used to this for years to come, for forever.

"The best sleep I've had in a while. It must be the couch."

The younger rolled his eyes despite the heat flooding his face. Of course Minho would respond like that. It's such a Minho thing to say, maybe thats why Seungmin likes him so much. He's just so Minho.

It was silent for a bit, but in the best way possible. It was comforting and reflective, time just for them to be in each other's presence and to let their reality soak in. Seungmin always knew it deep, deep down. They clicked in a way like no other, maybe it was a unique dynamic that others would call odd. Though, whats so wrong with that? Their relationship isn't for anyone else's approval or entertainment.

Seungmin traced lazy circles with his pointer finger on Minho's hard chest. He observed the way his chest raised and fell as he took a breath.

Minho's hand reached up to grab Seungmin's hand. He gently guided it to the left side of his chest, laying it flat against his beating heart. Seungmin stared at him in awe as Minho looked back, his dark eyes boring into Seungmin's own.

"I like you a lot. God, Seungmin. I don't know how you do it, you make me feel like I could have the universe before me and it still wouldn't compare to you."

Seungmin took a deep breath at the sudden confession, his stomach flipping and his eyes welling with tears. He could feel Minho's rapid heartbeat pulsating onto his hand, his own heart syncing with it.

"I know it's sudden and I'm hoping it's not scaring you," Minho took a long breath without taking his eyes off the younger. "But it's so hard to not shout to the world that you've stolen my heart. Hopefully I've claimed yours too."

Seungmin stared at him for a moment, maybe two. His lips quivered as he broke into a smile, the pieces all falling together perfectly. Tears streamed down his face as he removed his hand from under the older's, only to grab it and place it on his own heart.

"It's all yours. I think it may have always been, and it always will be. Fuck, why did it take us this long to say it out loud? I'm so in love with you, Minho," Seungmin longingly whispered.

Minho leaned his head back and let out a light string of giggles. He looked back up with nothing but love and fondness in his shining eyes. Maybe Seungmin imagined the wet streaks down his cheeks before Minho quickly wiped them away.

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