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the couple slowly walked to the restroom, about to be out of sight from the other boys.

"where does it hurt baby?" seungmin said trying to understand how to help. hyunjin didn't respond, slightly turning his body to look into the living room again.

seungmin saw minho's worried eyes glancing at them, everyone else looking elsewhere considering they were almost hidden out of sight now.

hyunjin looked back at his boyfriend with an odd expression that seungmin couldn't quite pin.

before he knew it, hyunjin was crashing his lips onto his. seungmin wasted no time in reciprocating it, immediately closing his eyes and kissing back.

seungmin felt hyunjin's hands on his waist, guiding them to the bathroom. once they closed the door they parted to catch their breath.

"what happened to your head hurting?" seungmin said, slightly panting.

hyunjin looked up at him and broke into an adorable laugh. his eye smile made seungmin's heart squeeze.

"i just wanted to be with you for a bit."

"damn, i didn't know my boyfriend was an actor." seungmin joked, putting his hand on hyunjin's cheek to stroke it. hyunjin just fondly looked at seungmin's features, face turning red.

"well now you do! i'll be anything if it means getting to be with you."

"oh? is that right?" seungmin said, leaning in again to gently kiss the boy in front of him. hyunjin's eyes fluttered closed at the feeling, most of the uneasiness fading away.

after they broke the kiss, hyunjin went towards seungmin's neck to leave faint love bites. hickeys that could be easily played off as something else unless you knew the events prior.


the couple eventually figured it was time to leave the bathroom, not wanting to concern their friends too much. they slowly made their way back into the living room. their friends asked questions of course, hyunjin replied saying he was feelings better.

eventually everyone moved on, deciding to pay attention to the almost finished movie. the ending was cliche of course, seungmin most definitely wouldn't watch this movie again, but it was fun to watch once.

"alright, who's staying the night?" chan asked as he glanced at the hands around the room. of course he expected at least a few people to, especially considering the time.

"...all of you are staying the night, okay!..."

everyone took their spots in various places, including couches, beds, and the floor. seungmin layed on the floor next to the couch, leading to hyunjin complaining.

"babe, switch me! you don't have to sleep on the hard floor. actually, just sleep up here with me!"

"jinnie, respectfully, i don't want to accidentally be pushed off in the middle of the night. plus, you're the dancer here, can't have your body hurting." seungmin said, shifting to get somewhat comfortable.

"hey! i'm a dancer too and i'm on the floor." minho suddenly complained, dramatically groaning.

"damn. that sucks." seungmin plainly said making minho sit up in his spot. hyunjin quietly giggled before stopping when minho glared at him.

"i think i found a bed for tonight though?" the oldest in the room said as he scooted closer to seungmin.

seungmin felt a hand touch and slightly rub his chest. minho was looking down on him with his iconic smirk, his hand not leaving.

seungmin nervously laughed as he moved minho's hand.

"last time i checked, i'm not a bed. sorry."

"oh really? that's too bad... i would've loved using you."

jisung loudly coughed making everyone jump. hyunjin cleared his throat before leaning over to grab seungmin's hand.

"let's get some sleep," a kiss to the top of seungmin's hand, "okay baby?"

seungmin hummed and tried getting comfortable once again.

"and you," hyunjin pointed a finger at the older, "leave my poor puppy alone."

minho immaturely stuck his tongue out at him, and hyunjin did the same in return. they both ended up smiling, though hyunjin's went away much sooner than it should've.

seungmin felt his heart pounding, his hand moving to touch his chest, minho's fiery touch still lingering.

a/n: ik it's not the weekend but y'all deserve an update :,)

thank you for 11k+ reads and 1k+ votes 😭 <3

also! please check out my new minsung story :D

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