The AfterMath

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[Catra pov]

The final bell rings for dismissal. I try to get up and pick up the sleeping blonde in the process. We leave the bathroom, only to see Principle Angela standing in front of us. Everyone had already left.

"Where were you two during the last two periods?!" She shouts slightly. 

"Well, we had some serious things to take care of!" I protest. I feel Adora slowly start to wake up.

"And what could have been so important that you had to skip two classes?" I knew Adora heard that question. I feel her body start shaking again.

"That's none of your business!" I shout while bringing Adora closer to me, "It's only between me, Adora, her family, and our friends."

"Well as your principle I believe I have the right to know." Angela stands over us.

"You don't!!" I push past her, "Now leave us alone!!" 

"You two get back here right now," Angela shouts at us, but that didn't stop me from getting Adora and me away from the situation. 

I stop at our lockers and unlock mine to grab my stuff. 

"Adora? Are you okay?" I ask gently.  She doesn't say anything and only nods her head. My mouth curves into a small smile, "Can you get your stuff?"

She loosens her grip on me and unlocks her locker. She takes her stuff and puts it into her bag. I take it and sling it over my other shoulder as Adora grips back on.

"Can we go to your house?" She asks.

"Sure," I start walking out of the building and into the parking lot. She gets off of me and takes her bag. I put mine into the compartment while she slings her onto her back, "Take this."

"Thanks," I pass her my helmet. She straps it on herself and I get onto the bike. She gets behind me.

I start the engine and we were off.  


I park in the driveway. My laughing starts to calm down from Adora screaming her lungs off. She'll never get used to this, even if she's ridden on it with me like a thousand times.

"You good?" 

"Y-Yeah," Adora breaths out from screaming. We both get off and she takes off the helmet. She passes it to me as I get my bag. 

"Thanks," I take her hand and we head in, "Lonnie! I'm home!"

"Okay! Don't care!" She shouts. I rolled my eyes before we head up the stairs to my room. 

"What do you want to do?" I say while taking off my shoes and putting my bag next to them. Adora does the same.

"I want to," the blonde paused, "I want to take a nap."

"Okay," I sit on the mattress. Adora sits down next to me and lays down. I watch her as she starts to get tired. 

She's now asleep. I lay down next to her and bring her closer to me, feeling her breath tickle against my skin. 

I feel my eyes start to drift off to sleep.

Sorry for the short chapter. Really busy with MCAS coming up. 

Words: 522

Simp | A Catradora au - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now