I hate seeing or hearing about people who are getting or have been bullied. It is a horrible thing and it really sucks to be the one getting bullied. I have been laughed at, called weird, i've gotten hate from random people and I am still here today. Sometimes you just want to break down and cry but thats what they want you to do so you can't do that. You have to stay strong and find the people in your life that loves you and would never leave you even if that means they get hate too. I am so used to the mean people in my life I have really just started saying thank you or complimenting them when they try to say something mean to me and it really makes them mad. I have learned these tips in life and I don't like when people are bullying other people, its messed up and mean. Everyones a person and we all have our differences. I have some of the best friends that have helped me through at least one problem in my life and I really do thank them, they are true friends and I know that they will stick by my side for the rest of my life. We might get into fights and huge arguments sometimes but we always find a way to make things better and we are back to being friends again. We have each others backs and we will always be there for each other. I'm happy to have them in my life and I hope they stay in my life because I probably couldn't make it through somethings that will be harsh in my life. "Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate, players gonna play play play play play, but you need shake it off, shake it off." Remember these words because I don't want to see you hurt and I don't want to see you hurt yourself either I hate that and you should never do it… They haters are NOT worth it at all… Thats all they really want to see is you burt because they could be jealous of you. You can stay strong, for me.
Everything I have to say
RandomJust a couple of random thoughts that come from my heart or when I really need to just say something.