chapter 3

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( picture above is Ryder's mansion

Ryder just pulled into their driveway that leads to the mansion. " wow this is where you live" says Emily.

" yeah we live here with my other big brother" chuckles Emma

"You have another brother" exclaims Emily

"Yes we do cause Ryder has a twin brother" chuckles Emma

Let's go inside and then we can talk, Emma, do you want to go and get Stephan from his office"

"Yeah sure I will go get him"

" hey bro, what did you need me for". says Stephen

"Hey bro, I would like you to meet Emily, she will be staying with us for a little while"  explained Ryder

"Hi Emily, it's nice to meet you, also I am the better-looking brother says a smirking Stephen

"You are so not  better looking than me, we both look the same says an annoyed Ryder

Phone beep

Scene& Emily got a nasty message from her stepmother

Text message

Michelle: where the f*CK are you, you better get home now otherwise I will hurt you badly and it will be the worst of them all
Emily: sorry mum I'm staying at a friend's house
Michelle: don't give me that crap, you need to get home now !, You better not tell anyone otherwise I will kill you

Ryder was studying Emily as she was so caught up on her phone. I could tell something was wrong with the way she was reading the text messages.
" Is everything ok Emily?" asked a concerned Ryder.

"Don't worry about it, I appreciate your help but I'm gonna go home, bye Emma, I will you tomorrow, bye guys says Emily who was trying to act like everything is ok.

"Hold up what happened, did your stepmother message you"

" I don't want to talk about it, I have to go home, it was nice meeting you all

"Stephan can you take Emma please so I can talk to Emily alone"

"Please talk to me, I want to help you through this, you don't need to go back home. Stephan and I can help you".

Emily (cries) "You can't help me, no one can, I have tried to ask for help before and it ended badly cause she has a lot of deep connections and I got punished for it.

"I have deep connections too, don't worry I will keep you safe, please stay here as long as you want, plus I am sure Emma will be happy to have you here".

"Okay fine,  I will stay here for now but if it gets too bad I will go back home cause I don't want to cause you and your family trouble".

"Well, you can head to bed if you want, I can give you a tour of the mansion tomorrow and then we can go through a plan together".

"Great that sounds good, goodnight Ryder and thank you again for letting me stay here".

The next day

" Wake up, wake up Emily it's time to have breakfast" said a excited Emma

"Okay, I'm up, just give me a minute and I will be downstairs".

"good morning Emily and my Princess".

"good morning rye"

"you still gonna call me rye".

"yes and I always will and Stephan's nickname is Steph" giggles Emma

Abused By My Stepmother  (unedited) Where stories live. Discover now