( Recap) Ryder and Emily arrived home" where were you both "
" We just had a slight delay, Lucky I managed to sort it out myself
" is it alright if I bring my friend along "
" yes bring Lexie, then we can all have fun
" Yeah that's fine," said ryder
" ok great, I will just message her, she will probably meet us there
" ok let's get going
Scene: they all arrived at the beach
" hello Em, hi Ryder and Emma
" hello bestie"
" hi lexie, I would like you to meet my twin brother Stephan "
" Hi, nice to meet you, Stephan "
" you too, wow you both look so similar
"Lexie come on let's go swimming, race you to the water "
"Sis, we just got here "
" I know, don't waste your time talking, let's go have fun "
" Emily are you coming for a swim," said Emma
" no sorry, I'm just gonna relax on the beach, you can all go for a swim, I will be fine," said Emily
" you sure "Lexie questions "
" yes I'm sure, now go all of you"
" I don't feel like swimming either "
" ok suit yourself, come on Lexie and Emma let's go for a swim"
Scene: Lexi, Emma and Stephen went swimming
Emily's pov
" Are you sure you don't wanna go for a swim, you don't have to keep me company "
" yes I'm sure, it's great we get to spend some time together alone, and also get to know each other more"
" so tell me about yourself "
" We had great parents but they were going on holiday and they had a plane crash so I and my brother had to step up and look after my sister "
Scene: Emma came running back
" What happened, sweetie," asked Emily
" I had enough swimming "
" looks like Lexie is getting on pretty well with Stephen "
" looks like Stephan might have a crush on Lexie "
" We don't know that "
" you can see the way they are playing in the water"
Scene: Lexi and Stephen came up to Emma, Ryder and Emily
" did you have fun " grinned Ryder
" yes we did "
" Stephen and Lexie in the tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G "
" be quiet Emma unless you want me to tickle you with no mercy "
" Lexi, I think you are perfect for my brother then you and Emily can hang out with me every day "
" aw thanks, Emma "
" let's go to the park "
" ok let's go "
" ok I'm gonna head to the restroom first," said Lexie

Abused By My Stepmother (unedited)
ActionEmily is 17 year old who left school and has a babysitting business with her bestie but Emily has to live her step mother who has been abusing her for 3 years Ryder and stephan are twin brothers and they are gangleaders of the Baxter street dudes ...