Chapter 10

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Authors note: I have added some Italian language into it, which I got from google translate, this is my first time adding Italian to my book, please correct me if I'm wrong in the comments. No offence to those who are Italian.

Emily's POV

Katy: maybe we could try and coax her into a trap
Dominic: I will go make a phone call and have someone try and find something in Michelle's background that we could use as leverage
Katy: thanks
Scene Dominic went and called Gino

Phone call

Dominic: Ciao Gino, Puoi scare nello sfondo delle cabine di Michelle e cercare di trovare tutto ciò che possiamo usare contro de lei. ( hi Gino can you do some digging into Michelle booths background and try and find anything we can use against her )
Gino: ok, il capo lo farà, I russi hanno fatto saltare in aria uno dei nostri magazzini, ma sto risolvendo quel problema. ( ok, boss will do, the Russians blew up one of our warehouses, but I am sorting that issue out. )
Dominic: Grazie Gino, tornerò il prima possibile, ho solo qualche problema di Famiglia da risolvere, fammi sapere quando trovi qualcosa su Michelle. ( thanks Gino, I will be back as soon as I can, I just have some family issues to sort out, let me know when you find anything on Michelle )

Emily: maybe you could use me to lure her out
Ryder: no way I am letting you go back to your stepmom
Emily: if this is a way of finally ending this and finally gonna get her out of my life, I'm willing to try
Katy: are you sure you want to do this
Emily: I'm sure as long we are sure we can end this
Katy: ok we will come up with a plan
Emily: mum you can't be involved in this cause your pregnant
Katy: I will be fine Em, plus I have Dominic and all the boys by my side
Dominic: ok let's get this plan together, one thing I will have to ask is that no matter what happens you need to forgive Ryder and Em you can't listen to the whole plan we want it to be believable so you won't be able to know the plan
Emily: ok I will you both sort this plan out
Katy: so Ryder you are gonna do a major breakup in a remote area, don't worry we will all be watching from a distance, just remember to be strong and remember we are not gonna abandon Emily and we will have your back after this
Ryder: This is gonna hurt her a lot saying all these things to her
Dominic: you have to unless you want this plan to fail
Scene: Emily came back downstairs after they finished their plan
Emily: but remember you have to let her take me to find out what connections she has and who with
Katy: I know, but remember to ask about Lexi
Emily: don't worry, I will be fine
Katy: so will put this plan into action tomorrow
Dominic: Em just be careful
Emily: thanks Dom
Ryder: I think we should all have an early night especially for what's about to happen tomorrow
Katy: I agree, goodnight everyone
Scene: they all went to bed

( Time skip: the next day )

Scene: they all got up
Dominic: good morning Em
Emily: good morning
Katy: morning sweetie, I hope you are ready for today
Emily: yes I am, I just want this to be all over
Ryder: I know, we all want this to be over
Dominic: just think, once this is over you can have a fresh start with all who care about you
Emily: you're right, think positive
Dominic: so your gonna go to this park here

Narrator: Dominic was showing the park on the map and pointed to all the spots where they will be

Dominic: ok you both will leave now

Scene: Ryder and Emily arrived at the park

Emily: this place is lovely
Ryder: I wanted to bring you out cause I wanted to tell you something
Emily: are you breaking up with me
Ryder: I am dumping you cause I just don't love you anymore, I want you to stay away from my family
Emily: * cries * why Ryder, I never did anything to you or you're family
Ryder: I love someone else
Emily: how long has this been going on
Ryder: for a while
Emily: * cries * I thought I finally found someone who loves me but I was wrong
Ryder: * anger * even your own best friend dumped you
Emily: * cries * you're all the same, none of you cares about me and eventually, everyone leaves me
Scene: Ryder left and hid somewhere in the park

Emily's thoughts: I can't believe Ryder broke up with me, I thought he cared and loved me, I guess he was just faking it. I hope Lexi didn't dump me for real cause that would mean I would only have my mum and Dom. I know they will eventually leave me like everyone else who knew me. Maybe I should just disappear and then everyone else can finally get on with their life as Lexi said

Narrator: Emily was just thinking over everything that's has happened until someone interrupted her

???: hi there can you come with me
Emily: I don't know you, so the answer is no
???: I was hoping you were gonna come with me willingly but I'm gonna have to know close you out
Scene: the guy held a cloth soaked in chloroform
???: sweet dreams

Scene: the stranger put Emily in the trunk of his car and drove straight out of there

1 hour later

Scene: stranger arrived at this abandoned cabin in the middle of nowhere and started dragging her into the cabin

???: where would you like me to put her
Michelle: just on that seat over there and tie her arms up
Scene: just after the stranger tied her arms together, he splashed some water to wake up
Michelle: Hello Emily, did you miss me
Emily: what do you want
Michelle: I see you got your confidence back, I would like you to meet someone
Emily: is he another one of your boyfriends
Michelle: no, he is my son, meet Michael
Michael: Hi Emily, I finally get to meet the Daughter of the killer who killed my father
Michelle: I heard your friend dumped you
Emily: yeah she did, I know you had something to do with it
Michelle: why would I do that
Emily: cause you hate me
Michelle: that is true but I still see you as my daughter but that's not gonna stop me from making you suffer for what your b*tch of a mother did
Emily: you're blaming me for something I had nothing to do with
Michelle: the only reason I am doing this is that your mother is not here, I heard she is alive
Emily: I don't know what you're talking about
Michelle: you better not be lying, otherwise you are getting hurt, Michael, bring me the whip
Scene: Michelle whipped Emily on her legs
Michelle: are you telling me the truth
Emily: yes I am telling the truth ( lie )
Michelle: how do I know you are telling me the truth
Emily: you will just have to take my word for it
Michelle: I hope your boyfriend doesn't turn up
Emily: I no longer have a boyfriend
Michelle: did he realise he could do much better than you or did he realise you are just a weak, pathetic useless little girl
Michelle: I knew no one could care about you, even I don't even care about you, I just want you to suffer till your last breath
Scene: Michael came and gave Emily some water and an apple
Michelle: you better eat it cause that is all you a gonna get until tomorrow, Michael lock her in the basement
Michael: ok mum

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What do you think about Michael

Do you want to see Ryder and Emily end up together

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Have a nice day/night wherever you are

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