chapter 2

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I took a deep breath before entering the house, my hand hovering over the door knob knowing my stepmother would yell at me for being late, I had to face her at some point, I just hope yelling was all I'd receive

"Where the f*ck have you been it's 6:30, what the f*ck did i tell you this morning," my stepmother yelled.
"I'm sorry' I missed the bus so I had to wait for the later one," I responded meekly.
"I don't care what your excuse is, just get started on making me dinner."
Once I had finished making dinner, I returned to the kitchen and began to clean up, feeling thankful she had only yelled at me. After wiping down the countertops and stove, I moved all the dishes closer to the sink. I heard my stepmother's footsteps as they entered the kitchen, but before I could turn around she yanked me roughly by my hair and threw me down the basement steps. Having the wind knocked out of me had me struggling to breathe, but my stepmother didn't care and pulled me closer to the ropes.
"I warned you what would happen if you came home late!" She hissed
I braced myself as I saw her reach for the whip, "Ah!" I screamed in pain, again feeling the wind being knocked out of me from the force in her swings.
Just 29 more Emily, just breathe, we can do this, just like we-.
My thought was interrupted as she continued to whip me, no matter how many times she had done it before, I could never get used to the pain.
"I don't care for your lame excuses, you didn't make me breakfast and you came home late, you deserve to be punished!" Tossing her whip aside she began to repeatedly punch me in the ribs, "I bet you were with a boy, let's see how much he'll love you with all these scars, plus it's a reminder of what I did to you." After she grew tired of carving my body she tossed it aside and undid my restraints, "Go and clean yourself up yourself sl*t and go to bed, try not to miss breakfast this time."

After I had cleaned my wounds I went straight to bed and awoke early to make breakfast for my stepmother,
I'm gonna make some pancakes and then I will leave after I make her breakfast, I hope I don't get hurt again. I'm still recovering from last night, some light makeup on my face will help cover any bruising. Once finished with my makeup, I slipped into my white Alice Cooper t shirt with a nice leather jacket since I looked a little pale.
"Emily, I hope you're making my breakfast, we don't want a repeat of yesterday, do we?" My stepmother called from the dining room
"No ma'am, I'm making pancakes for breakfast," I responded
"Good hurry up and cook my breakfast now!"
"Here is your breakfast ma'am."
"Thanks, now get out of the house and go to work, I expect you back by 6 and you better be back by 6 or else things are going to be much worse than last night."
"Yes ma'am I will be back by 6," gathering my stuff, I walked out the front door quickly.
I just got up to get ready for Emily and Emma coming around to hangout.
I hope Emily didn't get hurt last night by her stepmother, if I find out she is hurt I am gonna go to the police myself and tell them, maybe I should talk to Ryder, he seemed pretty concerned about Emily yesterday and he kept asking what happened, but she shut him out.
Knock Knock Knock
"Coming," I shouted as I walked to open the door.
"Hey guys, glad you came, hey Ryder could I speak to you privately," I asked.
"Yeah sure," Ryder answered.
"Emma, you can go upstairs to my room and watch TV if you like, cause me and Ryder are gonna have a chat."
"Am I in trouble?" Emma asked.
"No Emma, you are not in trouble it's just a grown up talk, ok sweety, I will come up and get you when we finish," I reassured.
"Ok see you later lexie!"
Once we were both sure she was out of earshot Ryder spoke up, "So what did you want to talk about?"
"It's about Emily, I'm sure you're wondering what is up with Emily, especially yesterday as you may have noticed she was acting weird-."
"What are you and Emily not telling me?"
"I know I'm not meant to say something, but I can't keep this a secret,
"Lexie you are scaring me," concern growing with every word Ryder spoke.
"Emily is being abused by her stepmother," I said, feeling a weight being lifted off my shoulders.
Before I could respond, we looked up to see Emily had arrived, and had heard me spill the secret I promised to keep.
"Lexie, what the hell, why did you say something?!" Emily shouted.
"Look Emily I can't keep this secret any longer," I tried to reason.
"Lexie I already told you why I can't tell anyone, and now you betray my trust by telling Ryder, when I specifically said not to tell anyone, I thought you were my friend."
"How long has this been going on for," Ryder interjected.
"I'm sorry you found out, but I'm not going to be telling you anymore, it's my problem, so I would appreciate it if you could just drop it please," Emily begged.
"Emily please talk to me, I want to help, it breaks my heart seeing you in pain, I really care about you, ever since I met you I feel a connection with you an- is that blood I can see on your shirt?" Ryder asked in shock.
"Oh shoot the must have gone through the bandages," showing little concern as she tried to brush off the stain.
"Emily what happened," Ryder and I asked.
"I'm fine."
"Emily please tell us what happened, we just want to help,"
"Fine, I will tell you, but promise me it stays between us alright?" Emily asked.
"Ok we won't say anything," Ryder and I reassured her.
"It all started yesterday, I didn't make her breakfast yesterday so she threw a vase at me. That's why I was sore yesterday, but after I left here I got home late and I made her dinner then she punished me for being late, so she whipped me 30 times and punched me 10 times in the ribs and she slashed me many times over my body," Emily's voice shook as she recounted the abuse she suffered.
"Emily, you can't keep living like this," Ryder stated, reaching out to hold her hand.
"Listen both of you, I don't want anyone to get hurt, so please, don't tell anyone," Emily begged.
After a long pause, Ryder and I nodded in agreement.
"So, Emily are we still up for that coffee later," Ryder asked
"Yeah sure," I sighed in agreement, knowing he might not take no for an answer.
"So what are we gonna do today, maybe we can all have a lazy at the beach and then we can go to the park afterwards, is that ok Emma," I asked Emma, her eyes twinkling her answer before she answered.
"That sounds awesome, lets go," Emma squealed.
"Haha, how thoughtful, I have to go get Emma's swimwear so I will meet you at the beach," he said.
Once Ryder left, Lexie and I began to pack a bag of snacks and drinks to take among other stuff we would use. Once we arrived at the beach, I began to set up in a spot Emma had chosen, the waves were calm and there weren't many families around. I looked up as I heard Emma squeal as Lexie splashed water at her.
"Emily, are you gonna get into the water?" Lexie shouted
"No I'm just gonna chill on the beach, you guys enjoy yourself," I smiled.
"Emily please come in the water," she begged.
I'm sorry I can't, I have to wait for my wounds to heal plus my body is full of scars and bruises, I don't want anyone to see especially you," I whispered my last statement.
After Ryder arrived he joined Lexie and Emma in the water before joining me under the umbrella and watched people run around us. After half an hour of soaking up the sun and building sand castles with Emma, we decided to drive over to our favorite park for ice cream before I needed to go to work.
"Who wants ice cream," asked Lexie.
"I do!" said Emma.
"Ok what flavor do you want?"
"I want a strawberry sundae."
"Great, Ryder? Emily? What do you guys want?"
"I'll have the same," I said.
"I'll have a chocolate sundae," Ryder responded.
"Ok I will be back, Emma come and help me with the ice creams," Lexie offered her hand as they walked towards the truck.
Once they were a good distance away Ryder turned towards me, "I have a suggestion, how about you come stay with me and my sister?"
"Sorry I can't do that, it will put both of you at risk. My stepmother knows some bad people and that's the last thing I want to do is to put you and Emma in jeopardy, can we talk later there are some things I want to tell you, but I can't say it in public," I beg, remembering what happened last time.
"Would you be able to come over to my place after work?" Ryder asked.
Ryder cuts me off as if sensing my hesitation, "Look I know you're scared of your stepmother, but trust me when I tell you, I can help you."
"Ok, sure I will come over," I sigh in defeat.
"I had the best day ever,I can't wait to hangout again,'' said Emma.
"We are glad you enjoyed today and we will definitely hangout another time. Are you still coming over to my place?" Ryder asked.
"Yeah sure', I still have to make sure that I'm home by 6 otherwise it's gonna turn out bad for me." I reassure.
"Emily if something happens tonight please call me or Ryder," Lexie says, squeezing my hand.
"I'm going over to Ryder's place to talk, so I will see you tomorrow," I hug Lexie.
"Yay Emily, you can come see my room when we get there and we can play princess with me and Ryder," Emma squeals.
"Whoa sis, slowdown she is only just visiting unless you want to have a sleepover,"
"I can only agree to visit not stay," I could feel my heart begin to beat faster, my filled with the possible punishments I'd face if I came home late again.
"Yes please Emily stay over then we can play together and stay up late," Emma giggled as she rambled on.
Ryder pulled me into a hug, whispering in my ear, "I can keep you safe. Let me keep you safe, let me help you."
Swallowing the lump in my throat, I barely whisper back, "Ok."
Pulling away he smiles widely before scoping up his sister, "Sweet, I will get the maids to prepare the guest bedroom for when you arrive."

Abused By My Stepmother  (unedited) Where stories live. Discover now