𝗜𝘁 𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘁 𝗳𝘂𝗻𝗻𝘆

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|| 2:23 pm ||

As you wake up , you feel this pain shoot through your head . Felt like someone was boxing your head in . Sitting up , you then look around your room . Your memory then clicked back into place . You remembered everything that happened last night .

You : .. What the hell .. *laugh* / *raspy voice*

Getting out the bed , you reach for your phone turning it on . It was almost 3 in the afternoon . You were low-key kinda disappointed because you were a early bird . But pushing all these random thoughts to the side , you head downstairs .

As your walking down , you hear Rico on the phone with someone .

Rico : *smacks lips* Bro run me my ones .. cuz im tired of you dissing me bro .

You : Hey Roc , who is that ?

Rico : Berlin .

Berlin : Wassup Y/n

You : Wass good B

You then grab Rico's hand putting your face in the camera . Berlin shows his peace sign .

you go ahead to the kitchen and order you some breakfast from Uber Eats . You then yell to Rico to see if he wanted anything .


Before you stopped yelling , he came to the kitchen from around the corner .

Rico : Why you yelling ? *laugh*

You : Well I didn't know if you could hear me or not .. *roll eyes*

Rico : *smacks lips* Don't get smart with me ..

You : Or else what ? *laugh*

As you look down to your phone, You see Rico's silhouette come closer to you . But before you could react , he put his hand around your neck , slightly choking you . He then pushes you back so that your laying down on the island .

You : Roc ! my back —

Rico : keep playing with me , and imma break it . And most definitely not like this .. *smirk*

You : Okay I'm sorry .. *laugh*

He then lets you go . You hurry up and BOOK . you didn't have time to get your back blown out today . You had places to go , and things to see .

You : Okay well , after we eat .. I have to go and get some house stuff .

Rico : Alright coo . You want me to go ?

You : You don't have to if you don't want to .

Rico : Alright . I'll stay home ma .

You then shoot your head over to him . "Did he really just call me ma?" . Oh hell nawl . You had to get tf ASAP . That was weakness number two implanted into your heart .

𝙍𝙞𝙘𝙤 𝙭 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 Where stories live. Discover now